Mother Cow Kept Hiding Her Baby Calf. The Reason Tore My Heart Up!

At Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary in Australia a dairy cow named Clarabelle was acting nervous and not like her usual self. She paced around the paddock and seemed to have lost her normally strong appetite. Knowing she was pregnant and her baby due in about a week the sanctuary workers quickly honed in on an engorged teat and inferred she must have already given birth. But where was her baby? It was nowhere in sight and nothing gave any indication of where it could be.

After searching around for the baby they found the little brown calf carefully hidden in tall grass and brown logs. She was laying down and looked up with her big soft eyes innocently blinking and curious at the sight of them. Clarabelle had given birth, but must have done so awhile ago as there was no umbilical cord and the calf was clean and dry. She had hidden her baby.

Cows are best known in many places for producing milk and associated dairy products. In order to make that milk a cow must become pregnant and give birth to a calf, whom it will nurse. However, in the dairy industry young calves are taken away from their mothers shortly after birth so that the milk can instead be collected for human consumption.

This separation of mother and child is done early on so as to try and cause minimal stress to both but it is also done repeatedly in order to keep the cow producing milk. Clarabelle had tried to hide her calf to prevent it from being taken away, as time and again her calves had been in the past.

This time around Clarabelle will stay with her baby at the farm sanctuary. Her life has changed dramatically for now she is able to live alongside and nurse her calf the natural way. On a side note, Clarabelle’s calf was discovered on Valentine’s Day and named Valentine “in honor of the love between mother cows and their babies” according to the Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary website ( Thanks to them and the work they do, Clarabelle and Valentine have a chance at leading happy and comfortable lives.

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When He Missed His Mommy This Dog Called Her. What He Says Has Her Laughing Out Loud!

If you are really missing someone oftentimes you pick up the phone and give them a ring to check in on how things are. It feels good and can be reassuring to just hear their voice on the line. When one man’s dog, an Airedale Terrier named Stanley, was missing his mother, he had his human place a call to her.

When Stanley’s mom picks up he begins to talk to her as if he were just a regular caller. While we don’t yet have dog-human translation abilities, it really seems like he is telling her how he misses her. His dog tone and mannerisms suggest just as much. He leans towards her voice and responds to her questions. At one point Stanley even out-talks her, chattering away nonchalantly. Both his parents are thrilled with his eager responses and lively engage with him throughout the call.

According to Stanley’s owner, he has always been very verbal. He sings on cue when asked and will respond to questions. If he hears his owner make animal noises, such as a howl, he will try to imitate the sound and even the pitch. All the friends and neighbors who know Stanley find it easy to love him and this video shows why he is so cherished.

As a breed Airedale Terriers are clever, graceful and well tempered dogs. They commonly develop strong bonds with their masters and make excellent loyal companions. They are valued and known for being highly intelligent and strong willed. Perhaps now they will also be known for their vocal abilities!

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Nobody Believed Her When She Said Her Horse Does THIS. So She Caught It On Video!

When all the other horses are tired and not in the mood for fun and play, whats a horse to do? The only thing he really can do is entertain himself. The one in this video can be seen doing just that. His name is Buster and according to his owner he is a young colt who loves to play with virtually anything.

At the start of the film he grabs a blue ball by the teeth and gallops around the field with it. Every now and then he shakes it back and forth while stealthily dodging the other horses. They all seem oblivious to his antics and are more interested in continuing their grazing than a silly ball game.

Whenever the ball falls out of Buster’s mouth he quickly manages to pick it right back up and continues on having fun with it. He even gets in a few kicks and head butts throughout the short clip. By the end the ball has taken quite a beating, and looks like it popped, as it becomes deflated.

The whole scene is truly adorable. It seems as if the horse had seen a dog playing with the ball before and is mimicking that behavior. How Buster plays with the ball is in-line with how a dog typically plays with one. Or perhaps he is just a natural and likes playing a spontaneous game of pick up ball. Either way he clearly is having a great time, or more appropriately – he is having a ball!

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What Animal Were You In A Past Life? Find Out.

If you’ve often thought that some people look and act like certain animals, you’re not alone. I don’t mean in the ‘party animal’ context of the idea, but rather in a deeper and more subtle type of way. It often shows through in their mannerisms and behaviors, it’s almost as if they have some inner animal living within them that emerges every now and then and rears its head. Take a close look around and you’ll start noticing how many people share personalities and attributes with an animal. It’s super interesting to observe and once you notice, it’s hard to not see it!

When you stop to think about it, the inner animal connection makes complete sense. After all, we humans are animals ourselves. Even if we sometimes gloss over or forget about that fact and think of our species as above all the rest, we are animals through and through. Even if you fail to really see any animal aspects in either yourself or other people who you’re close to, it’s right there inside all of us and it’s a direct connection to our past lives.

For as long as humans have existed, and potentially even much longer, our souls have been on an endless and ongoing journey. If you follow the views and beliefs encompassed by reincarnation, then you’re familiar with the idea that we’ve all lived many lives to get to the current point that we are at right now. In each of our past life identities we’ve been someone or something completely different than our current form. In many of our existences we were not even human, instead we were animals!

Each time we died we were reborn and our soul switched bodies. Gradually we evolved and in the process we’ve managed to retain some of the characteristics and attributes from those past lives. Not many people identify as trees or grass, but every now and then you do hear of a strange past life identity. However, it’s the animal traits that tend to be among the strongest remnants of our past, which is partly why some people seem to act so much like certain animals. The animal quirks we display are often manifested broadly and as such, they can show up in just about any area or part of our lives. Sometimes they can be seen in our preferences, abilities, strengths, weaknesses, flaws, fears, and so on and so forth.

This interesting fun quiz will help you discover what animal you likely were in one of your past life identities. It’s easy and eye-opening to work through, just be sure to approach it with an open mind.

What animal were you in a past life? Let us know your results in the comments.

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If You Notice A Beautiful Purple Thing On The Sand This Year Run Away Immediately!

Anyone headed to beaches along the eastern coastline this summer is being advised to keep a lookout for any Portuguese man-of-war both in the water and on the beach. The jellyfish relatives have been found washed ashore on a number of popular beaches, with the most recent sightings around the Charleston and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina areas.

As beautiful and exotic as the Portuguese man-of-war may appear, it poses a big risk to human health and wellness. The sea creatures look like pretty blue or purple tinted bubbles floating on the surface of the water, and have long, dark purple tentacles hanging down off them.

The tentacles are what makes the Portuguese man-of-war so hazardous because they’re full of venom and highly capable of delivering a very nasty and painful sting. They should be avoided whether found in the water or on the beach because even days after being washed up on shore they can still sting, no matter how long dead they may appear to be.

A sting from one can cause a number of reactions including painful red welts, cardiac distress, fever, shock, an allergic reaction that can lead to trouble breathing, paralysis, and possibly even death in extreme cases which are thankfully rare.

If you ever have the misfortune of being stung by one, seek professional medical treatment and do not pee on the area! Contrary to popular belief, doing that will only make it worse and instead you should use a cold compress to help relieve the pain and swelling.

While the floating bubble-like marine creatures are commonly referred to as a type of jellyfish, they are actually what is known as a siphonophore. Whereas jellyfish are single multi-cellular organisms, siphonophore are colonial organisms.

They are made up of many different individual animals that are interconnected and work together, yet are still capable of surviving independently. This type of physiological makeup is why the tentacles are still capable of stinging even after they become detached.

The accompanying New Jersey TV news clip covers more interesting facts and information on the Portuguese man-of-war and what scientists, beach patrols, and lifeguards are doing about them.

The news report from Long Beach Island featured the story a few summers back when they were washing up on shore more frequently than usual, which already seems to be the case this year as well. Check it out for more details and if you ever happen to see one of these things in the water, get out immediately!

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No One Believed Him When He Described His Morning Ritual With His Strange Friend So They Caught This

Out of the millions of different animal species in this world, the young boy in this video ended up befriending a gentle creature whose identity you’d probably never guess! The amazing footage shows the moment that he went to visit with his buddy and as you can see, it turns out that his special friend is none other than a giant manta ray!

The accompanying clip was captured off the coast of northwestern Africa on Spain’s Canary Islands. The beautiful subtropical archipelago happens to be a gathering place for marine life and it’s where many different types of stingray species can often be found. Groups of rays and schools of fish are a very common sight in the surrounding waters, which makes them very popular for diving, snorkeling, and sightseeing activities.

However, you don’t have to even enter the water to catch an up close and personal glimpse of the ocean life because one of the main spots that the large rays tend to frequent is near a set of stone steps that descend right into the ocean! The stairs happen to be the place where local fishermen toss back any unwanted fish and so the area has become known as a harbor hot spot. Many different types of sea creatures looking for an easy bite to eat stop by the place in hopes of finding a tasty treat to snack on. That makes it, in a sense, kind of like a fast food drive-through for fish, or a swim-through.

On this particular day the young boy in a white top and red shorts had gone to the steps to feed and play with his lovable manta ray friend. The huge fish swam right up to where the kid was standing and greeted him as affectionately as a giant manta ray possibly could! It hovered near the surface, very close to the boy, while he gently pet the top of its head and not once did it make any move that could be perceived as threatening or questionable.

In fact, the creature was very calm and looked to be accustomed to the boy, so much so that it even ate the food he generously offered right out of his hands. That’s quite impressive and shows a certain level of trust and familiarity that can only develop with time. At one moment in the clip the boy splashed the surface of the water and seconds later the ray came in super close. The big fish ended up resting part of its cartilaginous body on the bottom step and flapped about, as if it was trying to move in even closer to the young boy. The whole scene looked just like how someone would call their dog over and who knows, perhaps this boy has taught his giant ray friend some cool pet tricks!

As unbelievable and odd as this pairing may initially seem to be, stingrays are actually quite friendly and curious creatures. They are intelligent and will only attack or sting when they are either defending themselves or something suddenly scares them, both of which are totally normal reactions by our human standards. And while stingrays come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, the largest species of them all are called manta rays. They can grow to be over 20 feet wide and weigh close to three-thousand pounds!

Generally speaking, stingrays are rarely aggressive. Many species of them do have a poisonous stinger filled with venom that, as mentioned above, is only used in self-defense when the ray feels threatened. In terms of stingray attacks on humans, they most often occur when people inadvertently step on one in shallow water. A helpful tip to avoid this ever happening to you is to walk with a shuffling step by sliding your feet through the sand whenever you’re wading in shallow ocean water where stingrays are known to live. This gives them a heads up to your presence and will likely scatter them away so that you don’t end up stepping on one.

Overall, fatal stingray attacks on humans are exceedingly rare. Typically a person will accidentally step on one, get a painful sting on their foot or lower leg, and make a full recover shortly thereafter. However, after the tragic death of wildlife expert Steve Irwin in 2006 the marine creatures were rocketed to the forefront of public discussion. Many people were shocked and saddened by his untimely passing and completely unaware of the risks that the seemingly gentle, harmless looking rays posed. However, any reputation of them being perceived as especially dangerous after this incident is wholly undeserved and records back this up. In Australian waters stingrays have only been attributed to three known deaths since 1938, including Steve Irwin, and all 3 victims were stabbed either directly in the heart or very close to it. To put it in perspective, it’s much more dangerous to encounter jellyfish, sharks, saltwater crocodiles, sea snakes, and other different types of poisonous fish in the ocean than a stingray.

When you watch the interaction in the video just think how cool and neat this would be if it happened to you. While most people would probably be, at the very least, slightly freaked out by such a giant fish swimming right up to them, this kid loves it and knows he is safe. In the end, nature always finds a way to surprise us and make us smile, and this young boy and his stingray friend will do just that!

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