He Released His Two Pit Bulls Into The River. What They Find Made My Jaw Drop!

These two beautiful dogs have an unbelievable fishing tale to tell their puppies one day. The white and brown Pit bulls were down by the river on a walk when they decided to take a refreshing dip and play in the water. Much to their surprise, they noticed something strange as soon as they splashed in. They were not alone. Swimming upstream in the shallow waters were numerous scaly, slippery, huge, and kind of ugly, salmon. The gigantic fish were on their way to finish out one final act in their lives before they died, which was to spawn.

The fish were no match for the two large Pit bulls, whose massive jaws scooped them out of the shallows one by one. The dogs natural instincts kicked into high gear when they caught sight of the scaly river beasts and immediately they began fishing.

Once a salmon was snagged they would walk it over to the river bank and drop it on the ground. Even though a number of fish were caught, they all managed to slip back into the river and escape. The dogs at least have video proof of their catch and no one can deny how expertly they fished that day.

The YouTube user who uploaded this video, Ken Wiesner, wrote that he was not present when these events took place. His friend took his dogs for a walk and allowed them to catch the fish while recording it. Ken makes it clear that he does not approve of this behavior, but what is done is done, so we may as well view the unique and remarkable footage.

Nothing is intrinsically wrong with the behavior in this video. Many animals feed on spawning salmon every year, and what we see is nature running its course. Plus, the dogs look so happy and pleased, I am amazed at how they are able to handle a writhing, slippery salmon of that size so well!

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This Hilarious Pup Throws A Hissy Fit and Give His Human An Earful. At 1:40 I Totally Lost It.

Dogs are a lot like little kids. They love playing and eating and occasionally throw a tantrum. That is what Dinky, a Great Dane, is doing in this home video that his mom shot. His dad was spending too much time petting his brother, Romeo, so he let everyone know how annoyed he was.

Dinky whines and cries his way through the short clip and shows no sign of letting up. His dad explains that it’s Romeo’s turn for “lovies” and his will come later. Dinky does not care to hear this and talks back, which earns him a scolding from his dad. He tells him to get back on his couch bed and stop being so cranky.

The two argue back and forth, then at 1:40 Dinky throws his massive body back and flops on his side. He is either trying to look super cute or he’s about to give up in frustration. Regardless of what his motive is, he sure is adorable and quite the talker!

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This Woman Lets Her Chickens Out Of Their Coop. What Comes Out Is Hysterical!

Everyday Phalyn Fairchild has to experience something truly terrible. She tried to explain to her friends what she has to go through on a daily basis but no one believed her. So her next move was to set up a camera and capture this ridiculousness. She is tormented daily by these malicious and aggressive chickens who love to attack the innocent.  It works like this, she unlocks the chicken pen, they each come out one at a time.

Then out of no where the head chicken in charge runs full speed into her leg for the attack.  Then the others follow in on the mayhem and continue the onslaught.  She tries to escape back to her porch but the attack continues.

I know I shouldn’t laugh, but this is just way too funny.  Phaylen says this happens every single day and shows no signs of letting up. It is so hilarious but probably gets old if you are poor Phaylen! LOL! What would you do if you were in this situation?

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This Fluffy Cat Tries Ice Cream For The First Time Then He Proceeds To Make The Most Hysterical Face!

There is nothing tastier on a hot day then some delicious ice cream. The one problem we have all faced before is that deadly ice-cream headache/brain freeze which happens when we eat our delicious snack too fast. I know I have been a victim to the ice cream headache many times and will probably experience it again this summer.

An ice-cream headache, or  its scientific name sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia, is a form of headache which occurs during quick consumption of a cold food or beverage.  The ice-cream headache happens when something very cold touches the palate and is believed to result from a nerve response causing rapid constriction and swelling of blood vessels.

In the following video a hilarious cat feasts on ice cream for the very first time. He begins scarfing it down at a rapid pace but then suddenly stops and has the funniest reaction ever! I had to watch this multiple times it is just too classic! We’ve all been there little guy, keep your head up!

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Man Gets An Unexpected Photobomber Right As He Takes a Selfie By The Ocean

Since the dawn of modern photography people have been invading and dropping in on pictures and videos which they were never originally meant to be a part of! While photobombing may seem like a relatively new and recent phenomenon, it’s actually not. However, thanks to the internet and viralability we are able to see all of the best photobombs out there that man, and animal, have to offer!

Over the years pictures have been photobombed by all sorts of different people, items, and animals. The most common type is by far the total and complete stranger who jumps in at the last moment. These usually result in hilarious pictures and candid reactions that range from oblivious to shocked at the unexpected last minute addition. Celebrities often make appearances as well, but the ones that everybody absolutely adores and loves to see are the animal photo-bombers, like the seal in this clip!

The guy in the red sleeveless t-shirt managed to capture the awesome memento while he was out on the water enjoying a beautiful day on his boat. He was near the bridge that’s visible in the background when a baby seal jumped on board and decided to relax alongside him. In fact, the youngster was so comfortable and at ease with the man that he snuggled up against his back and even began to fall asleep! You can see his eyes begin to droop as the sleepy seal basks in the sunshine against the guy, which all makes the perfect photo/video opportunity. If this ever happened to you, you’d definitely want the memory and proof preserved on film!

Seals rank at the top of the list when it comes to friendly, cheerful, adorable marine animals. That’s why they’re often referred to as the “dogs of the sea” because of their playful social behavior around other animals and humans. Some of them have been seen snuggling up to their canine counterparts and romping around in the water with them, others prefer to catch some waves with surfers.

After watching this clip, this seal certainly backs up the comparison. So while dogs are man’s best friend on dry land, seals are man’s best friend in the water and on boats!

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Right When This Lion’s Mouth Opened Something Hysterically Unexpected Happened!

Sometimes the simplest most basic humor is the funniest.  For those who write intricate, double entendre comedy skits or stand-up, something as simple as what happens in this video that can’t help but make you laugh, might be insulting. There is nothing like the good ol’ classics that are just by nature funny. The following video is a perfect example of historical tried and true comedy. No matter what year it is, this type of comedy for some reason will always be funny!

On paper, this might not sound so funny, but as you watch the laughter dubbed into this lion’s facial expressions, you just won’t be able to control your own laughter, no matter how silly you may be thinking this is. I was having a really bad day, somebody sent me this video and for no reason at all I couldn’t stop laughing. This one will definitely bring a little sunshine into your day if it’s been a lil gloomy and cloudy.

This video is testimony to the fact that a great laugh is just simply contagious!  Whether it’s clever or not, listening to someone cracking up and superimposed onto this video of a lion from National Geographic will start your day with the best medicine of all…uncontrolled laughter! Get ready for nature at her finest being naturally funny in the wild!  Let us know what you think!

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