2 Horses In A Pond Get Caught On Camera Pulling Off The Most Unexpected and Surprising Trick

Taking a nice dip in cold water is a very quick way to cool off and relax. Not many things can equal the refreshing and rejuvenating feeling that water can provide, as it envelops your skin and makes your body buoyant, floaty, and light. It’s no surprise that horses love water, they are natural and powerful swimmers who acclimate easily to all sorts of bodies of water. Many won’t hesitate to cross rivers and streams and some even enjoy swimming in the ocean.

The two beautiful equines in this video are proof of just how much some horses love water. They both waded chest deep into a small pond to cool off in, and escape from pesky bugs, on a hot summer day in Osgoode, Ontario.

The pair look completely content and at ease as they sit immersed in the water and entertain themselves by blowing bubbles. The sight is adorable and even kind of relaxing to watch, as they steadily blow air out of their large nostrils under the water and fill it with a bunch of bubbles.

Many horses, just like humans, are fascinated by water and these two seem captivated by their bubble blowing abilities. This is a common horse behavior, as some will even blow bubbles in their water troughs or buckets, just like people do with their drinks and what kids do in the bathtub.

According to Equus Magazine, horses will often amuse themselves and pass time by blowing water bubbles. This reminds me of my childhood and blowing bubbles in the small milk cartons kids used to drink out of at school, it was a similar way to entertain ourselves back then.

When horses have access to natural bodies of water they will even roll around in the shallow areas and go for a swim, if they are adventurous and it’s deep and large enough to do so. When swimming, a riderless horse will hold its nose high up out of the water and steadily exhale while moving along with a doggy paddle style stroke.

If you are a horse lover, be sure to check out the clip. There is just something magical, calming, peaceful, and serene about watching these horses happily blow bubbles!

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Mom Raccoon Teaches Her Baby To Climb A Tree For The 1st Time. The Result Is Unexpectedly Awesome!

Raccoon babies are often born in the spring to protective mothers who don’t even allow the father near them. Like all babies, the little ones look to their mothers to teach them the ways of the world and how to survive in nature.

The furry masked animals are incredibly smart and their intelligence has made them skilled at a range of activities that include climbing, vocalizing, adapting, and figuring things out. Mother raccoon’s are very hands on and make excellent teachers who always ensure that their babies have the care and guidance needed for surviving on their own.

Part of every young raccoon’s education involves learning how to properly climb trees. They need to be able to climb because up in tall trees is where they are the safest and away from animals that prey on them.

In this awesome YouTube video, uploaded by Jeffrey Reid, a mama raccoon can be observed teaching her young kit how to climb a tree. The mother gently places her baby up against the base of the trunk and hesitates to let go, unsure of whether or not the baby will cling to the bark and catch on naturally.

Soon after she has decided to take another route and brings her kit up higher onto a roof surface. After a quick inspection of the area she again tries to guide the baby onto and up the tree, but he just doesn’t seem confident enough to try.

She then demonstrates the act of climbing by jumping on the trunk and scampering around, but her leap seems to cause the baby to almost fall off the roof! After a lot more tries, fails, near falls, and encouragement, the cute little baby manages to hold on by himself. Then he starts to climb up the tree with his proud mother looking on, and all the effort immediately becomes worth it. 

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Video: This Pony Was Named The World’s Smallest Horse But What She Does For Others Melted My Heart!

She may be tiny, standing at only 44.5 centimeters tall, but Thumbelina brings a whole lot of joy and smiles to children all across America. She is a dwarf miniature pony and weighs just 26 kilograms, which makes her about the size of an average dog. That is not the only thing she shares in common with dogs. She spends her days bringing comfort and love to children all over the map, just like a therapy dog would do, but call her a therapy horse instead!

Thumbelina was born at Goose Creek Farm, outside of St. Louis, Missouri, to owners Paul and Kay Goessling on May 1, 2001. She turned out so little that she can officially be called the world’s smallest horse. In fact, she is the shortest horse in history and has a Guinness Word Record to prove it! However, she wasn’t bred to be this tiny and was born with a genetic condition; dwarfism.

Her parents are average sized miniature horses and almost double the size of their cute little baby. She came out as what her owner describes a “fluke,” but her personality and star power are anything but that.

She is a very calm, gentle, and loving miniature pony. Because she has such a great personality, and a world record title, her handler is taking her on a 47 state tour of the USA. They visit local children’s hospitals and meet face to face with special kids, who range from 6 months to 5 years old, so many of them are even taller than Thumbelina is!

Their visits give the kids a chance to get outside and interact with her up close and personal. They are always free to touch and pet her, which for many is a new experience that brings them joy and happiness. Plus, because she is so tiny the kids feel comfortable and at ease around her.

Another similarity that she shares in common with dogs is the fact that she travels in a dog house on tour. Thumbelina was a baby when she went into the dog’s house, fell in love with it, and refused to vacate the premises until the dog was gone.

After she claimed her new digs she said goodbye to her stall in the the barn for good and now calls it home. That story just makes her all the more adorable and endearing!

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This Year You Need To Keep Your Children Away From This Bug. All Parents Should Watch THIS

The furry looking caterpillar you see in this video, that looks like a walking mini-toupee, is highly toxic. The unassuming insect is known as a puss caterpillar and over time it changes dramatically as it transforms into an adult. After it finishes developing it turns into a furry winged insect known as a southern flannel moth, and sometimes it’s called a puss moth.

The bugs only pose a threat when they are in their caterpillar form and contact with them should be avoided at all costs. However, it’s their soft and fuzzy appearance that’s highly deceiving and the hair-like spikes draw kids to them and encourages children to reach out and pick them up.

The caterpillars can also come into contact with skin when they fall out of trees or land on people from above. They favor citrus, sycamore, oak, and elm trees, as well as plants like roses and ivy. The puss caterpillars are found in southern parts of the United States and throughout Mexico and Central America. Recently they have been in the news because of increased reports of them injuring kids and causing painful reactions.

What makes them so fearsome and nasty is their fuzzy exteriors. The furs are actually venomous spines which cause excruciating pain when they come into contact with people’s skin. Reactions to the stings can be severe, with radiating pain, burning, nausea, vomiting, swelling, rashes, blisters, and numbness in the affected area.

Sometimes people develop chest pains or have difficulty breathing, and hives or welts may turn up on the sting site. The sting feels worse than any comparable type, beating bees, scorpions, jellyfish, and wasps. Some people have even started to convulse and reported that their pain went deep, causing even their bones hurt.

To lessen your chances of running into one of these bugs and to avoid any pain, stay vigilant and be mindful of the tiny creatures. Make sure that young children know the dangers of them and if you or someone you know does get stung, seek immediate medical attention.

You can also lessen pain by covering the area with tape and then ripping it off. That helps to remove any embedded spines and decreases the pain. Be sure to have fun this summer and be safe!

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Baby Pygmy Goat Stands Up For The First Time Then He Does THIS and I Lost It!

There are few things on Earth that come close to being as cute as a newborn pygmy goat. They look like the happiest and most precious baby animals that exist in nature. The two that are in this video are only a couple of days old and have only just begun to use their legs and feet. The little guys wobble around and every now and then they hop sideways. Their care-free dance is so innocent and adorable, and you never know where they are headed or where they will end up!

Pygmy goats are known to be very active and playful animals. They love nothing more than to jump up onto different things, like small vehicles and low roofs, and then they leap off. Other popular videos show them even jumping off of each other, so they must be natural born comics and performers! Pretty soon these two will be steady enough on their feet to get to jumping around, but for now they should stick to solid ground.

Several commentators on the YouTube page noted that the baby goats are possibly being harassed by flies. They dance around erratically because they are trying to get away from the pests and are not yet used to the barnyard annoyance. That conceivable fact, combined with learning how to walk for the first time, results in the baby goats doing what can only be described as what looks like a happy dance. Check it out and please share their infectious happiness!

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This Guy Drops Food In The River Moments Later Something Terrifying Appears!

If you ever find yourself in the Amazon jungle, and value your health and safety, think twice before stepping into any body of fresh water. That is exactly where a dangerous and potentially lethal threat lurks. Piranhas are native to the Amazon River Basin and can be found in other river systems throughout South America. All of the estimated 30-60 piranha species have a single row of sharply packed interlocking teeth on both the upper and lower jaws. They are capable of shearing, puncturing, and ripping apart practically any and every thing that they sink their teeth into.

There have been stories and documented reports of piranha attacks on humans and large animals, such as cows, over the years. Oftentimes it is the young or weak who fall into the river, at the wrong place and time, only to end up being quickly killed. In one Brazilian city alone, Palmas, 190 attacks were reported in the first half of 2007. The fearsome reputation that surrounds these fish is well deserved and has even been perpetuated in Hollywood films.

So what does it look like when a school of these predators are feeding? Thanks to Joao Antonio Cruz Junior’s YouTube video we get to the view the fish in action. Freshly butchered red meat is thrown into the water near a dock and some boats.

As soon as the meat hits the calm surface the piranhas fight to get a bite, their bodies seem to writhe and twist all over the place, and the water is churned into a white, frothy, chaotic mess. More meat is thrown in several times but never lasts more than a few seconds.

By the end of the short clip their numbers have easily tripled, as more and more fish are drawn to the commotion and the smell of blood. It’s easy to see why they have the reputation that they do. Check out the video and be happy they (likely) don’t live near you!

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