How This Rottweiler Reacts When He Is Hugged Is Baffling. I Have Never Heard Anything Like THIS

This big, beautiful, and ferocious looking Rottweiler is actually a big softy. He loves nothing more than to be hugged and petted by his adoring owner. In fact, he loves being held close and having his furry coat stroked so much that it makes him purr uncontrollably! The noises bubble and rumble up from deep within his chest and sound kind of scary, but they are a sign that he feels good and is happy.

The big puppy in this video is enjoying his mama’s hugs and putting on an amusing show for everyone gathered around. He seems to really love the attention and yet be oblivious to it at the same time! His eyes even roll back into his head and a calm, serene, pleased look is plastered on his cute face as he purrs away like a little kitten.

This may be the cutest way in which a dog can express their contentment! Rottweiler owners have dubbed this purr-like sound the “rottie rumbles” since it resembles a rumbling-type noise and is common among the breed. The low grumbled sound is actually the dog “talking” and they often make the noise when they are feeling really good.

Some people confuse it with growling but that is not what they are doing when you hear the noises. Plus, if they were growling you would know because they’d also be defensive and showing fear or anger in some other manner, it’s all about context.

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He Tries To Relax On The Sofa After A Long Day. Now Watch His Dogs Unexpected Surprise Reaction!

Dogs are a lot like little kids. They love playing, sleeping, cuddling, and occasionally get restless. That is what one Great Dane was doing in this home video that his dad shot. The adorable and large framed puppy seems to think that by throwing his massive body around and flopping into bed with his owner he can get him to play. Or maybe he is just trying to look super cute!

In the video, a large black one year old Great Dane named Bodie Gene makes his presence known. Bodie crawls up into bed with his owner Roy Fields, of Hudson Oaks, Texas, and angles his large frame right up on him.

The dog can’t seem to relax or get comfortable as he wiggles and looks to Roy for some attention. Roy says that they “always lay on the couch right before bed, but he wanted to play that night.” Bodie flails around restlessly as he waits for his human friend to get up and play, but Roy just wants to relax and soon go to bed.

The poor puppy will have to entertain himself but his attempts at spurring Roy into action definitely make a heartwarming, funny, and memorable moment for the two of them. At first sight Great Danes look like huge, powerful, and imposing dogs. Their high stature and sleek bodies combined with ears that stand at attention make them appear guarded and always alert.

However, looks can be deceiving. The AKC describes the breed as having a laid back attitude and docile nature. These dogs are often very gentle and loving in temperament and make wonderful family pets since they tend to get along well with other animals and children.

Like many other dogs, they are naturally inquisitive and love to play with whatever strikes their fancy at the moment. Bodie is a shining example of the breed’s natural traits and it seems like life with a Great Dane is filled with love and snuggles!

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Baby Crawls On Top Of This Husky. Now Watch The Dog’s Unexpected Surprise Reaction!

Troy Slezak brought home a new baby girl a few months ago.  He slowly introduced the baby to his 1 year old wild-eyed and energetic Husky.  Slowly but surely the two hit it off and are now best of friends.  Dad says when his baby is sad the Husky won’t leave the little one’s side.

He also stands guard of the baby to make sure nobody messes with the adorable little baby.  Troy thinks that the dog thinks the baby is his baby as much as it it her real parents. At first when the following video started I admit I was bit a nervous.  The adorable little baby clumsily crawls over to the pup to say hi.

Then at the :18 second mark I realized these two had an undeniable connection and bond.  This instantly put a smile on my face. You can tell these two are going to be best friends for years to come.  This is too cute for words.  Enjoy!

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Little Girl Got Caught Bringing Her Cow Inside The House. Her Excuse Is Unexpectedly Delightful!

Kids are full of surprises and are constantly testing the limits to see what they can get away with. A lot of the time young children manage to get off with just a warning, mainly because they are innocent and not wise to the ways of the world.

So when one little girl decided to let her favorite cow in the house she naturally thought she could get away with it. After all, it was cold outside and it really isn’t that big of a deal. However, her mom was pretty shocked when she came home to find the big cow chewing on some hay and laying on the floor of her house.

Instead of freaking out, yelling, or shooing the cow outside, the little girl’s mother recorded the cute moment and attempted to get to the bottom of her story. She calmly asks her daughter how and why the cow was in the house.

The 5 year old girl tries to explain that she had opened the door and was looking the other way when the cow snuck in. But the girl see’s her mother isn’t buying it so she switches gears and tells her mom that the cow pooped but she cleaned it up already. Basically, she had it all under control and mom shouldn’t be so worried about a little, gentle cow on the porch.

The whole time the cow is sitting peacefully on the rug next to the family dog. It seems like this cow may have done this before, so perhaps this is just the first time the girl got caught red-handed. The best part of the video is when the girl cuddles up to her bovine buddy, resting against its side belly, with the cow’s head in her lap. The adorable twosome look so snugly and comfy together, and that’s when mom forgets how wrong it is that the girl let the cow inside in the first place!

Some things are just too precious and rare to pass by. When your 5 year old daughter brings a cow inside, curls up with it, and the cow falls fast asleep; that is one of those moments. This was such a happy, feel good video and it reminded me of my childhood so much. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

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This Man Just Adopted A Puppy And Tries To Explain The Rules. The Puppy’s Reaction Is Hilarious

Adopting a pet can change your life for the better. Animals often teach us a lot about life, love, forgiveness, friendship, happiness, and so much more. When an adopted pet is welcomed into your home you can expect to grow in unexpected ways.

Besides becoming more responsible, people often find that a new pet gives them a better sense of who they are. At the same time, they become less focused on their own needs and desires, and more giving and attuned to others feelings and needs.

BuzzFeed and Purina Puppy Chow paired up to create a short video that looks at how one man’s life changes when he adopts a new puppy. Their story starts with love at first sight. The guy was simply walking down the street when a cute little black and tan puppy, with tiny snow white paws, caught his attention. A sign in the window next to the dog said he was available for adoption and the rest is history.

After he takes the puppy to his new home the pair begin their life together. The man talks to his new friend in an attempt to get to know what habits, preferences, and lifestyle the little puppy has. When he is trying to figure out what to call his companion he finds out that the dog is actually a girl, not a boy like he thought, and finally decides on the name Chloe.

He and Chloe then begin to play around, bond, and have a whole lot of fun together. The two play games and the piano, chase each other, dance around the house, and are soon best friends. The guy shows Chloe all the different items in her new house and tells her about history, his work, and life.

We also get to see all the new responsibilities that come with being a good pet owner. Whether it is properly feeding or teaching them to go potty outside, it’s up to owners to establish healthy habits from the start.

The best part of the video is that it also shows the little things animals do that make them so special and endearing to us, like when Chloe is digging in the bed at night. All the ups and downs, lessons we learn from our animals, and awesome memories they share and create, make us better people in the end. And it all starts with adopting an animal.

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He Plays With A Very Strange Friend. Once I Realized It Was The Most Unexpected Surprise!

Friendship between humans and animals has been occurring since the dawn of humanity, but every once in a while, a friendship comes along that is so unusual you just have to see it to believe it. The boy in this video has built such a close friendship with this stingray that it seems to enjoy letting him pet it and even eats out of his hand!

Stingrays come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, making up the eight families of stingray species.  The largest species is the manta ray, which is part of the eagle ray family. They can be over 20 feet wide and weigh close to 3,000 pounds!

The stingray in this video is most likely not a manta ray, as it lacks the distinctive cephalic fins near the mouth that make the manta look like it has horns, earning it the name sea-devil or devilfish in some parts of the world.

Stingrays are rarely aggressive, but many species do have a poisonous stinger that is most often used in defense when the ray is threatened. This happens most often for humans when they inadvertently step on one. Here’s a helpful tip: if you are wading in shallow ocean water where stingrays are known to live, walk with a shuffling step and you will likely scare them away instead of stepping on them!

Do you have any interesting stingray stories? What do you think about this amazing friendship? Let us know..

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