This Extremely Shy Otter Gets Groomed. When They Zoom In It’s Priceless!

The battle for the cutest animal throne rages eternally. It is impossible to quantify the near infinite cuteness of the baby animal kingdom, although some common contenders such as kittens, puppies and baby pandas consistently battle for top spots. As cute as they are, they are up against some stiff competition. Hedgehogs, elephants, penguins, sloths, kangaroos and harp seals all exhibit formidable cuteness.

In this aaahhhh inspiring video, this baby sea otter presents a strong case for top baby animal cuteness contender. Those little whiskers and wide eyes make for a compelling argument. This is one baby animal that is quickly winning my vote!

Sea otters, the largest member of the weasel family, can reach almost 100 pounds. Their fur is the densest of all animals and keeps them warm in the cold ocean waters they inhabit. They are very intelligent, and their use of rocks to break mollusk shells places them in an exclusive group of tool wielding mammals.

What is your vote for cutest baby animal? let us know.

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2 Dogs Are Having A Tug Of War. But The 3rd Dog Shows Up With An Unexpected Surprise!

Golden Retrievers are known to be extremely friendly, nice, and gentle which makes them some of the worst guard dogs ever.  The breed is highly intelligent and was ranked 4th by the ‘Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs’ and one of the most popular dogs in the world.

In the following video these two hilarious pups get into a tennis ball tug of war battle.  Neither side will give in to the other and they show no signs of giving up.  As a matter of fact, there isn’t much tugging going on at all.

The two just seem to be in a total stalemate with adorable squished noses, staring directly into each other’s eyes.  But then out of no where a 3rd dog comes in to try and mediate the issue.  He takes quick action and what he does is guaranteed to make your day!

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I Have Never Heard A Goat Make A Sound Like THIS. I Can’t Stop Laughing

There has been a recent surge in goat videos online which feature goats yelling and sounding remarkably human-like while doing so. Naturally, it was only a matter of time before a compilation of the newest and best goat yellers was assembled for audiences to enjoy.

YouTube channel RSVLTS uploaded a fantastic short clip that enables us to easily watch all the hilarious sights and sounds in one awesome ‘super cut compilation.’ Honestly, some of these goats sound more human than people I know when they yell.

No one knows why some goats sound so much like humans. Plus, not all goats are able to make noises and sounds that seem to be coming from a person. Each goat has a specific, individual, and distinctive voice that is all its own. Some just happen to have voices that resemble humans and those make for funny, cute, and entertaining videos.

Apparently, goats yell all the time and for many different reasons, just like us human people do. If a mother and her baby get separated she will call out to locate the kid and vice versa. When goats get hungry they will get loud and let you know that they want to be fed as soon as possible.

They scream and yell even if they aren’t hungry or lost, they can get riled up by simply handling them. Basically, goats behave very similarly to young children and are just as, if not more, cute.

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He Growled and Snarled At Everyone Who Got Close To His Cage. But When She Showed Up It’s Unbelievable!

In 2005 the Jukani Predator Park was set up as a refuge for big cats who had previously lived in zoos or experienced abuse in their lives. Conservationists Jurg Olsen and his wife Karen run the South African sanctuary that lions, cheetahs, leopards, panthers, servals and more now call home. Jurg is an ex policeman and shares a close connection with the big cats that he cares for. He is able to play with, walk among, pet, and interact, directly with many of the animals. Except for one, a black leopard.

The leopard previously lived in a European zoo where he had been abused. The trauma turned him into an extremely aggressive cat who trusted no human. He let his hatred be known by growling and snarling at anyone who approached his cage, which he never left. The cat even bit Jurg and put him in the hospital for a week with one bite. Due to his vicious nature, he was named Diabolo.

After 6 months of no progress with Diabolo an outside expert came to visit, who had no knowledge of his past or present condition. Anna Breytenbach, a self styled inter-species communicator, has a unique ability in that she can transmit detailed messages to animals.

She speaks to them visually, through pictures, and silently with thoughts. Anna obtains responses from them that are often extremely detailed and personally revealing. In this video clip, we see her transform the deadly snarling Diabolo into a content and happy cat affectionately re-named Spirit.

When Anna approached the leopards cage he didn’t snarl and growl like always, but instead a wave of peace and calm washed over him. She was able to kneel right outside and look in at him. The two connected and telepathically spoke to one another.

Anna said that he was over-awed by his new surroundings, disliked humans for what they’d done to him, and he was immensely powerful, wise, and felt under appreciated. Specifically, he disliked his name and the darkness it inferred.

He was very concerned about 2 young cubs that used to be next to his cage at the zoo and it was this fact that convinced everyone that Anna must truly be communicating with the leopard. There was no other way she could possibly have known about the two cubs, even they had forgot, but Diabolo hadn’t.

So much more was said and brought out into the light because of Anna’s extraordinary ability and gift for speaking with, and understanding, animals. In less than 24 hours Diabolo’s entire world, demeanor, and life changed for the better, so much so that he earned a new name; Spirit. See what else transpired that fateful day, when Anna met Spirit, and prepare yourself for the unexpected flood of emotions that will wash over you when you hear their wild story.

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This Snake Tries To Eat Her Baby Bunnies. What The Mom Does Next Is So Unexpected!

Nature can be cruel and unforgiving. That is exactly what is on display in this recently uploaded YouTube video. The footage was captured by a man who seems to be looking on a safe distance away alongside his young children and wife. They chose not to interrupt the scene of survival and protection between a wild rabbit and snake. This video may be disturbing to some, especially small children, just so you are aware.

It starts off with a long, black snake coiled up in a shallow rabbit den. The snake has already captured and wrapped itself around one of the tiny baby rabbits and looks to be preparing to kill and swallow it. Before the serpent has a chance, the mother rabbit returns, and she is in full on protection mode.

The sight of her poor, helpless baby bunny in the snake’s clutches brings out her natural instincts and she immediately launches her attack. The stunned snake writhes around and releases it’s hold on the tiny baby, while the other little bunnies use the distraction as a means to escape and fly out of the nest.

It hardly ends there though and the mother continues to chase the snake further away from her babies and the nest. She grabs it with her teeth and claws, then lays down on her side and kicks out at it repetitively, which is what rabbits do when they fight.

Every time the snake escapes her clutches and tries to slither away she pursues, and keeps dealing it a series of blows with her back feet. There is no doubt that she is just as shocked as the snake is, and all the adrenaline, sadness, anger, and emotions she may be experiencing make her react fearlessly. After a minute or two of biting and kicking the snake’s tail, she lets off, and it manages to slither away.

The mother likely wanted to inflict serious injury to the snake so that it would go elsewhere and think twice before trying to eat her babies ever again. She knows that this snake will always pose a threat and it may potentially return to try and harm or kill her defenseless babies. She will have to move her babies and rebuild the nest somewhere else, safer and more protected, but at least she scared the serpent off and saved her family.

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Mom Asks Her Baby To Say ‘Mama’ In Exchange For Some Food But The Dog Steps In First and Does THIS

Dogs are incredibly observant and learn quickly from the world around them. All day long they watch their surroundings and the people in their lives and interpret all the new things that they hear, see, taste, feel, and smell. Some dogs are so adept at picking up on signals and have such strong senses that they make ideal working dogs.

The smartest and brightest are molded into bomb, cadaver, or drug sniffers, guide dogs, K-9 officers, guard dogs, and other types of roles that serve highly specific purposes. Nonetheless, lots of dogs who aren’t trained or specialized can still be just as clever.

One such dog is the adorable and feisty canine in this short video clip uploaded to YouTube on the AFVApproved channel. It starts off with a mother trying to coax her toddler into saying “mama.” She has a plate of food nearby and holds some of it up on a fork as though she is offering it to the dog and infant who stand in front of her.

The mother’s attempt at encouraging her child to speak has definitely caught the dog’s attention as he whines and begs aloud for a tasty bite. Her baby stands beside the furry dog looking up at the camera, then back and forth at the dog, switching his attention between the lens and the pooch throughout the clip.

Her bribe does not end up working on the toddler but the eager dog is another story. After what sounds like a few attempts to say “mama” the dog actually ends up speaking the word successfully!

He caught on to what the mother wanted to hear and worked at saying it until he blurted it out! This family pet succeeded where the young child failed and definitely earned a bite of human food. He must have really wanted it and either way, how could you resist that face?

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