Whenever His Favorite Human Rubs His Face This Giant Lynx Makes The Most Adorable Sound Ever
When you think of a Lynx, chances are a big kitty happily purring in utter contentment does not come to mind! However, that’s exactly how Max the Canada Lynx acts when his caretaker pets him and gives him a nice relaxing head massage. Just like his domestic feline relatives, Max is partial to a good ear, cheek, and chin scratch. In fact, he loves it so much that he rolls over on his back and purrs like an engine. Hearing his sweet rumble is so therapeutic and relaxing, if you listen to this you’ll be falling asleep before you know it!
While the Canada Lynx may be one of the most elusive and wise looking animals in North America who do their best to avoid human contact, Max is not fully wild. He is also not fully tame or domesticated either. He was born in captivity at a zoo but he was rescued, and these days he lives in his own indoor/outdoor enclosure with his caretaker, Bernadette Hoffman, in upstate New York.
She runs a program called Wildlife Education by Bernie which Max is a part of. He’s an education animal ambassador who helps teach school children and the general public about the ongoing need to both protect and respect our planet and the endangered species who call it home.
For centuries the Canada Lynx had endured and survived despite hunters who trap and kill them for their fur. In addition to hunting, an overall loss of habitat has led to their steady decline, so much so that in March of 2002 they were added to the endangered species list as threatened. Hopefully their population and numbers will rebound back to healthy levels.
Until then, wildlife ambassadors like Max will continue to raise awareness and spread hope for the survival of all threatened and endangered species everywhere. Check out his beautiful face and listen to the sweet purring noises he makes, they’ll definitely make you relax and feel at ease!
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This Fan Came To Enjoy The Game, But When The Music Starts He Steals The Show
Have you ever felt like just going wild and letting go of all your inhibitions when your favorite song comes on? Many of us have experienced the urge to spontaneously start dancing but we suppress the urge and bob our heads instead because we either care what other people think or we don’t want to embarrass ourselves or make a scene. Not Jeremy Fry, he could care less what anyone thought of him and that’s part of what makes this video so awesome.
Fry is a Boston Celtics super-fan who has been following the team since he was seven years old. He was at one of the Celtics home games back in 2009 when Bon Jovi’s mega hit “Livin’ On A Prayer” started playing over the sound system during a break. The arena’s Jumbotron was flashing between shots of different fans dancing in the crowd when the camera suddenly found him, and the rest as they say is history!
Jeremy was already feeling the beat and getting into his groove, waving his fingers around and tapping his foot. In hindsight, the look on his face says that he had something special in store for the crowd that evening. A few seconds later he exploded out of his seat, performed an elaborate kick move, and began dancing like no one was watching! To truly understand how unbelievably awesome this video is you have to simply watch it. No words or description can do it the justice that it deserves!
On that night Fry truly embraced his inner rock star as he worked his way down the steps. All the while he interacted with members of the crowd in between busting out sweet moves and dancing up a storm. He clearly knew the 80s classic by heart because he danced so well to the beat and lip synced the ballad perfectly. The audience loved it and cheered him on enthusiastically the entire way. By the time he was finished he’d won over the crowd and years later, the internet.
Fast forward to November 2013 and the Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ On A Prayer” is on the Billboard Hot 100 chart at the number 25 spot! How could that be, at that point in time the song was almost 30 years old. It’s all because the video of Jeremy Fry dancing at the Celtics game had re-surfaced and gone completely viral. It was so popular and viewed so many times that it managed to influence song sales and chart positions! That just goes to show you the power of an insanely popular video and of course, a classic hit song too!
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6 Plants You Should Put In Your Home That Will Make You The Healthiest According To NASA
Placing a few plants around your house is a great way to instantly decorate and brighten up any indoor space. Not only do houseplants look fresh and attractive, they can also help to clean and purify the air in our homes.
Breathing in cleaner, fresher air can do wonders for our minds, bodies, and souls. With less toxins floating around in the air we’re able to breathe in cleaner oxygen, which reduces our overall chances of becoming ill or sick. It also makes us healthier all around by boosting our mood and energy levels, thereby reducing depression and lethargy in the process.
While the natural air filtering abilities of plants have been known for some time, they were further backed by science after NASA conducted its Clean Air Study to find out which plants work the best. The space program had been looking for ways to clean the air up in its space stations while also boosting oxygen levels in the process. What they found was that certain plants filter out common volatile organic compounds (VOCs) a lot better than the rest. VOCs are toxic to human health and include nasty chemicals such as formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, and toluene!
While many plants are beautiful and good to have around, here is a list of the best ones that have been found to be more effective than the rest at naturally filtering out VOCs and other air pollutants:
1. Bamboo Palm- Removes benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. Bamboo is among the top performing air filtering plant on this list. It prefers shade over direct sunlight and so you can stick it anywhere you have room or in a spot that could use a little greenery.
2. Spider Plant- Removes formaldehyde, xylene and toluene. Spider plants are one of the easiest plants to care for and grow. They flourish with indirect sunlight and are quite resilient. They’re also safe for animals and are specifically non-toxic to dogs and cats, so if you have pets at home this is a plant you should definitely consider getting!
3. Chrysanthemum- Removes benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene, ammonia. The beautiful, colorful flowering plant removes all of the toxins on the list that NASA specifically tested for, making it one of the top two most effective air purifiers in the study. The pretty flowers do best in direct sunlight and come in all variety of colors so pick up a few the next time you’re out!
4. Peace Lily- Removes benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene, ammonia. This hardy, shade loving plant is the one other plant, besides Chrysanthemums, on NASA’s list that removed all of the most common VOCs. However, they are highly toxic to dogs and cats, so keep that in mind if you have a pet that loves to chew on stuff, especially plants.
5. Aloe Vera- Removes benzene and formaldehyde. Aloe is one of the easiest, hardiest, and most widely available plants on this list. It’s long been used for a variety of health related issues and people use the gel found in it to treat burns, sunburns, constipation, scrapes, cuts, and other minor skin related conditions.
6. Snake Plant- Removes benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene. Snake plants do well in extremely low-light areas which makes them a great plant to stick in a humid bathroom where most other plants would suffer. They’re also super low maintenance and really hard to kill, which makes them ideal for those of us with not so green thumbs!
There are a lot of other great plants that can boost your health and energy beyond those covered above. The accompanying video goes over even more of them so be sure to check it out and see which ones work best for you!
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Neglected Circus Tiger Was Put In a Tiny Rusty Cage For 12 Years. Now Watch When He’s Freed.
A tiny rusty old cage is no place for any wild animal to live, let alone a full grown tiger. Sadly, that’s exactly where a beautiful tiger named Hoover was forced to live his life as part of a traveling circus in Peru.
While the details of Hoover’s early life remain mostly unknown, it’s believed that he was originally part of a group of 6-12 tigers that the circus used in their shows. By the time his rescuers got to him, he was the last remaining one. Over the past twelve years of his life he had been mistreated, abused, and forced to perform tricks. When he wasn’t being openly exploited he was kept locked up in a cramped cage day in and day out, always on the move. He needed help fast or he would die.
Life was anything but natural and comfortable for Hoover. His captors brought him from one town to the next where he was allowed out only for shows. His cage was completely inadequate for such a large, majestic tiger and barely allowed him any room to move around. He spent the days pacing back and forth in the hot, dusty, stale air with nothing to stimulate his mind or play with. All he had was a dusty floor to lay on that was surrounded by metal bars and dirt. There was no real shelter overhead to protect him from the elements and the neglectful state he was held in was horrendous.
The circus that Hoover was found with had been on the run for eight months before authorities caught up with them. For years a number of travelling circuses had operated in Peru using wild animals in their shows. The country recently changed the law and passed a circus animal ban in response to widespread cruelty, abuse, and sub-par conditions in which most circus animals were kept. The ban made it illegal to keep or use animals in circus shows and authorities have been working alongside animal advocacy non-profits, like Animal Defenders International (ADI), to strictly enforce it. Thanks to a tip from the public they’d received, ADI was able to stage a surprise raid on the circus and recover Hoover.
They immediatley took him to their resuce center in Peru and threw open the cage door to let him out and taste freedom for the first time. This video captures the moment he was finally released from his life of abuse and neglect. For the first time in perhaps all of his 12 years he was able to fully stretch out and do the one action that all cats seem to love! After his stretch he cautiously headed through the door and out into the temporary holding pen, where he stepped onto soft green grass. The grass on the bottom of his paws must have felt so strange and yet wonderful.
The veterinarians at ADI checked him out and found he was sick and emaciated. After months of rehab the big tiger was restored back to full health and once he was given the all clear, he was ready to head to his new forever home at Big Cat Rescue (BCR) in Florida. Getting a full grown tiger from Peru to America is no small operation. It took a full year before the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finally gave its approval and only then did Hoover’s road trip begin. The journey involved multiple trucks and transfers before he was secured into a cargo plane for the final leg of his trip. Vets and caretakers monitored his health closely to ensure he was safe and comfortable every step of the way.
When he finally touched down and arrived at the BCR facility he was released into his new enclosure to check it all out. His new habitat is worlds away from the cramped barren cage he was held in, it’s filled with an abundance of plants, trees, grasses, and other greenery. There’s also platforms to rest on in the sunshine and a lake to swim and cool off in on the premises. Check out the clip to see Hoover exploring his new digs, drinking from the lake, walking among the trees, and sniffing at the ground. From the looks of it, he loves the water and couldn’t be happier!
Hoover will live out the rest of his life at BCR where he’s free to wander about his new habitat completely unchained. He no longer faces a life full of uncertainty and constant travel, there are no more people gawking at him, or trainers abusing him. Instead, he finally has the chance to spend his final years among other tigers, in the wild where he’s protected and able to move about on his own, and that is beautiful.
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Adorable Baby Poops Her Pants. Now Watch The Dog’s Face When He Realizes.
Nothing is sweeter than the sight of a newborn baby cuddling up to their best animal friend in the world. It shows that the two get along well and are comfortable in each others company, which is important if they’re going to be living together for the rest of their lives.
Judging by the pair in this video, they are more than accustomed to one another. The black and white dog named Max was napping peacefully on a chair next to his sister, baby Hollis, when their mother decided to record the adorable moment. The opportunity to capture her fur baby and her newborn baby together was picture perfect, at least for a couple of seconds!
Just as she starts recording, mom notices that baby Hollis appears to have to go poo-poo. You can hear her in the background urging the youngster on as she reaches over and pets Max. Suddenly, the baby manages to get it all out and the fart she rips along with it startles sleepy Max. He wakes up, looks over at his baby sister, takes one whiff and then immediately leaps off the chair and runs away!
Poor Max! He definitely didn’t want to stick around the stinky smell and needed some fresh air right away. His reaction is priceless, it’ll make you smile, so check out the video and if you wish to brighten someone’s day just share this adorable clip with them!
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The 9 Most Common Dream Symbols You Should Pay Close Attention To. Don’t Ignore These Dreams.
Dreaming is something that we all do each night, for 90 minutes to 2 hours; scientifically it is known as REM sleep. Whether we remember our dreams or not, we all have them. Freud brought dream interpretation to the fore, and saw it as a window into the unconscious. While his interpretations may not be held as doctrine by modern psychology, the fascination with common themes in dreams and what they mean, persists today.
The appearance of certain actions or things in our dreams are commonly found in many people. While each individual who remembers their dreams need to examine them through the lens of their particular conscious life, these SYMBOLS can act as a guide for self-examination of issues you need to pay attention to.
If you have ever had this dream, you are not alone. In the dream you feel your teeth loosen, and usually feel horrified as they fall into your hand, as you try to save them. LOSS OF TEETH while dreaming usually represents a LOSS of CONFIDENCE, CONTROL or POWER somewhere in one’s life. It can be occurring in a relationship at work or in one’s personal life. The dream signifies your anxiety about this development, and bears looking at, to help resolve the issue when you are conscious.
This again is indicative of a loss of control in one’s waking life; in this circumstance it can be showing a fear of loss. Examining whether it is something or someone that you fear losing, when you are awake, may help you to resolve the issue.
This generally is pointing you to examination of a lack of confidence, or a fear of being exposed in one’s life. Are you being yourself in your interactions with others, or are you people-pleasing to fit in? Are you lying and feeling anxious that the truth will come out? Only you being truly honest with yourself, when you awake from such a dream, will reveal what aspect of your life you are afraid will be UNMASKED.
Flying in a dream can be a truly exhilarating experience. If you are soaring up high it can denote a feeling of freedom…perhaps you are feeling liberated from something that has plagued you. If you are flying lower to the ground, perhaps nearly missing obstacles like cars, or wires, or other people, this can be more troubling. Are things getting in your way in your life, that are frustrating or upsetting, that you want to resolve?
While dreaming about death can be upsetting, it strangely may be symbolic of positive endings in your waking life. Perhaps you have moved on from a situation or person that was having a negative impact. It generally is symbolic of change, which is a part of life that is ongoing, and some of us have more difficulty being in transition than others.
This commonly appears in dreams, and is an overall representation of the SELF. Is it a house from our past or present? Is it intact or is it falling apart from a flood or fire? Are there animals in the house making you feel in danger? What goes on in a dream about a house indicates how generally secure or insecure you are feeling.
The common dream experience where you are being chased and you either can’t move very quickly, or seem to not being moving at all as you try to run, is a common ANXIETY dream. Looking at what you are running away from in your waking life, and facing it, will help to relieve this anxiety.
This common anxiety dream represents a fear of being unprepared. Perhaps you are procrastinating about certain things in your life; this dream may be alerting you that ignoring or putting things off are causing you unwanted stress.
Last but not least is the symbol of water that commonly appears in our dreams. What is important in analyzing what it is telling you, is the form it comes in. Water is the ultimate expression of the unconscious mind expressing your true emotions. Is it a giant wave coming at you that will suck you under? Is it a calm relaxing pool or lake? Is it a waterfall that gently cleanses you, or a torrent of water where you feel like you are drowning? Looking at how water comes to you in your dream, is a generalized indicator of the degree of ease or uncomfortability in your life.
As you can see, there is a lot to be learned by trying to remember and interpreting our dreams, so that we can make changes or adjustments that will lead to a more peaceful life.
All this being said, there has been a lot of scientific research around sleep and dreams. Recently, there have been some extraordinary breakthroughs, done by a team at the ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratory in Japan. We watch our dreams, just as we watch things in our waking life; this research that revealed scans that can actually re-form an object a person sees while awake, could lead to identification of visual imagery occurring in our dreams. Eventually we may be able, according to these researchers, to watch our dreams the way we watch waking events!
Let us know which of the above dream symbols have occurred in YOUR DREAMS, and what they have meant to you.
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