She Brings Her Cockatoo To The Store And Gets Him a Toy. The Bird Then Throws a Hysterical Tantrum
Many people love bringing their adorable pets along with them when they stop in to visit the pet store. It’s not only convenient, it also offers them a new way to socialize their animals by getting them out of the house and their familiar surroundings. While dogs are by far the most common pet you’ll spot in a store, every now and then someone brings in a cat or a hamster or even their pet pig.
It’s not very often that anyone brings in their pet cockatoo and this video clip sheds some light onto one of the reasons why this may be so! Cockatoos rank among the loudest animals in the world and the shrill, high pitched noises they make can be ear splitting. Combine that with the fact that they love to talk and scream and you get Pickles, the white cockatoo seen here.
Pickles owner brought her feathered friend along with her to the pet store and let’s just say that he wasn’t all that thrilled about the outing. As a peace offering she gave him a tasty treat to chew on but he was unimpressed with the gift and tossed it on the floor. Then the little guy started squawking up a storm and moments later he had managed to work himself up into a noisy fit.
His feathers were really ruffled after a few stern words from his mother and that’s when Pickles proceeded to throw the most hysterical tantrum! He flapped around on his grocery cart perch and noisily stomped back and forth across the handle bar as he made a scene. This is definitely one cockatoo with some major attitude. He’s loud, in charge, and knows it!
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This Simple Math Problem Is Breaking The Internet Because Most Adults Can’t Figure Out The Answer. Can You?
Forgetting how to do math problems is inevitable, normal, and now thanks to one single equation, it’s also very interesting to test out. See if you’re able to solve this problem correctly or not. According to Presh Talwalkar, the man behind the YouTube channel MindYourDecisions, studies show that 60% of twenty year old Japanese adults correctly answered this exact problem. However, back in the 1980s that percentage was much higher with 90% of Japanese adults getting it correct.
The sharp drop in the number of people who are able to solve the problem is worrying and some are attributing it to modern technology. The reasoning behind the theory is that more and more people are relying on calculators, especially online ones like Google’s calculator, to solve equations. However, when they input the numbers they do so in a linear fashion and forget to apply the correct order of operations, aka PEMDAS which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. Those little old rules make all the difference.
Don’t feel too down on yourself if you botch the answer and fail to answer the “simple” equation, you’re in good company. If it’s been decades since high school your memory of math lessons may be faded and over time we slowly forget and lose our recollections of many things. Even facts that seemed so important and easy to remember back then have gone from our brains. Perhaps the easiest subject to forget overall is math. Math builds on itself and all the concepts, rules, variables, and whatnot that it involves are easy to mix up or completely draw a blank on. Plus, unless your job or profession requires it, most of the stuff we learned in algebra we just don’t use in everyday life. Also, if you were never good at math back then, the odds are you won’t be good at it now. Were you able to solve it? Let us know in the comments
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Dad Asks His Dog If She’s Grumpy Today. The Dog Responds With The Most Hysterical Hissy Fit.
We all have those types of days where we wake up feeling moody and detached. It’s like we just can’t manage to shake off the inner darkness that envelops us. Nothing can snap us out of it and we remain unmotivated no matter what we or anyone else does or says. In times like that we simply want to be left alone and in the end that is what’s best for everyone.
When your life feels like it’s straight out of that mid-90s Monica song Don’t Take It Personal, it’s okay! You’re probably just having “one of them days” so “don’t take it personal.” Instead of interacting with annoying people and blowing up on them, take a page out of this Husky’s book and chill out.
As you can see, Mishka the Siberian Husky knows a thing or two about keeping her fussiness in check. She clearly doesn’t want to deal with attention from her little sister and fellow Husky Laika, or her human owner for that matter, but rather than snapping at them and being mean she takes it all in stride, like how a real big dog should!
At the same time, Mishka isn’t about to pretend that she’s in a cheery, wonderful mood. When her dad proceeds to ask her a series of annoying questions, she launches in an adorably funny grumpy fit. Yet even in her most irritable hour she still manages to stay true to her real nature and can’t help but tell her dad how much she loves him, awww! This is really just the cutest clip. If you love dogs, Huskies, and puppies then you have to check it out because it’s right up your alley.
The real take away from this clip is the lesson it subtly conveys. The next time you’re having one of those days, don’t snap and freak out on innocent bystanders. Rather, take the high road and act more like how Mishka does in the clip. It’ll make life better for everyone, especially yourself!
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Dog Locked In a Barn For Years and Grew 35 Pounds of Fur. Now Watch His Transformation After Rescue.
Year after year a dog named Lazarus was kept outside, all alone in a dirty, drafty barn stall. His owners seemed to have all but forgotten about him and beyond food and water he received little other care, let alone attention and love. It was only when his owner became terminally ill and asked a neighbor to feed Lazarus that anyone knew what terrible conditions the poor dog was being held in.
When the neighbor stopped by with his girlfriend, a groomer named C (who prefers not to be named), they were shocked to discover the level of neglect and squalor that Lazarus had been forced to endure. Dirt and feces had built up so much that the barn stall door had to be dug out just so anyone could even reach him. In the middle of all this filth was Lazarus, who appeared to be a giant mound of dirty white fur. Knowing that something needed to be done right away C called in her friend, fellow groomer Jessica Kincheloe, and they set about rescuing the dog.
After obtaining the owner’s permission, the women freed Lazarus from the squalid barn stall and set about shaving off his fur. By the time they found him he had been neglected for so long that his fur had completely matted up. This made it nearly impossible for him to move and the heavy, knotted scruffs of hair were tugging and pulling at his skin, causing him debilitating pain and suffering. They had to shave him entirely and took off an incredible 35 pounds of fur. By the time they were done Lazarus looked like a completely different dog, and felt like one too.
You can see him in the accompanying video taking his first steps after having his coat shaved. He’s kinda wobbly, unsteady, and unsure of himself because not only is he 35 pounds lighter and finally able to move without pain, he’s also not used to attention or love. After checking him out it was discovered that his tail had been broken and his muscles were severely under-developed. This was caused by the heavily matted fur which made movement awkward and difficult for him.
While his recovery going forward will be focused on gaining physical strength, much of it will also be emotional. Lazarus is not used to people, being indoors, or the fast hectic pace of life, but he’s working on it.
He was eventually taken in by the Big Fluffy Dog Rescue and placed in a foster home with one of their rescue workers in Virginia. According to the rescue group, ‘His eyes are getting brighter, he is starting to see affection and is slowly becoming steadier on his feet. He has yet to make a peep and can become overwhelmed easily, so we go at his pace on everything.’ Slowly but surely he’ll come around and settle into his new surroundings.
After being neglected and deprived of love for the past 7 years of his life, he’s just beginning to learn how to trust people. As sad as that may be, Lazarus has been given a second chance at leading a normal, love-filled life, and there’s hope that he can now live the rest of it in comfort and peace.
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Mom Tells Them To Smile and Say Cheese. Now Watch The Dog Make The Most Hysterical Face.
Dogs are awesome and if you’ve ever shared your heart and home with one, then you know how they make life better for everyone. Many of our fondest childhood memories involve playing with dogs and going on fun filled adventures with them. It’s no wonder that in the war between cats and dogs, more people would choose the dog’s side. Cat people may not agree with this, but according to an AP poll, more Americans like dogs than cats!
Even though cats and dogs are equally adorable in many of our opinions, it’s easy to see why dogs are so beloved. They’re naturally friendly, outgoing, and always seem to look like they’re having the best time ever! The adorable Border Collie in this clip is no exception to this and the look he gives the camera shows just how clever and sweet he really is.
The dog was standing by his baby sisters side while her mother was trying to snap a picture of the adorable twosome. As the mom recorded them she tells them to smile really big and say cheese for the camera, to which the adorable little girl obliged by giving her the biggest smile she could muster up. Meanwhile, the Collie looked like he was getting really excited, it’s almost as if he was preparing to do something big for the camera. His mom must have noticed this too and known what was coming because she asked him “You gonna smile too?” Seconds later the dog’s face transformed into a 1,000 watt smile that stretched fully across his head. It’s definitely one of the biggest, broadest, toothiest grins I’ve ever seen!
This is one smart dog who knows how to work a camera. The expression on his face is just too cute for words. The fact that he’s able to pick up on the word smile and break out into such a huge grin proves just how clever and quick he is. With a smile like that, you can’t help but love this dog! For an instant mood boost be sure to check out his happy grin in the clip. Watching it will put a similar, cheesy-type of grin on your face, because you can’t help but smile when you see his!
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Are You Noticing 11:11 All The Time? Here’s What It Means For You.
Last week was November 11th which is written as 11-11. For people across the world this date, as well as the time 11:11, has a special place in their eyes, hearts, and minds. Part of the reason it is more significant than other dates and times has to do with the fact that we tend to remember and take immediate notice of it. Why this is so and the deeper meanings attached to it are explored more in depth below.
The first aspect has to do with the actual numbers themselves and how they appear. Eleven-eleven is the only time of day when all four numbers on a clock are uniform and exactly the same. The neat, parallel, clean appearance is visually pleasing to our eyes, especially for those of us who may be preoccupied with numbers and organization! In addition, the simplicity of 11:11 is also why so many of us seem to notice that we’re always glancing at the clock when it strikes that time. It’s so easy to remember and thus it sticks in our heads longer than 9:17 or some other random time.
Furthermore, and in relation to the above, is the concept of synchronicity. This idea can help to explain why there is so much fascination and interest in 11:11. Synchronicity is the belief that things which are seemingly unrelated, and unimportant in and of themselves, gain meaning and significance when they occur randomly and in conjunction with other things at the same time. Events like these are called “meaningful coincidences” because they seem to have no actual or apparent effect on one another, yet nonetheless they are meaningfully related in some type of way. In the end it is people who give meaning to 11:11 when they assign it a special, intrinsic type of magical value.
This built-in value appears to have come from one of the most popular and widespread beliefs that surrounds 11:11. It is thought that whenever you see a clock displaying the time 11:11 you should make a wish on it and then your wish will soon come true. Regardless of whether or not you actually do this or believe in it, the fact that many people do is what gives the time and numbers meaning and special value. If you do happen to make wishes at 11:11 then every time you see it and make a wish, you’re thinking of all the things or events that you most want to happen and come true. It’s a great way to focus on the hopes and dreams yo have and to keep positive things in mind. In the end, there is no other time of day that causes people to stop and make a wish!
There are other beliefs surrounding eleven-eleven and on is the idea that the time is related to our spirit guides and guardian angels. They use the time as a sort of portal in which they can get through to us and grab and hold our attention if they need to tell us something important.
In similar regards is another belief which is related to numerology. Within the numerical practice the number 11 is regarded as a master number that represents spirituality. It also stands for increased self-awareness and perception by offering us a channel to our inner subconscious. Therefore, the number 11 is a direct link or window to our soul and the many thoughts, desires, feelings, and emotions that may be hidden there.
Some people even choose to look at 11:11 as a sort of glitch in the matrix! There’s also the theory that if you notice 11:11, then stop to think about it, you’re taking time off to acknowledge the moment. This is important because when you fully stop to actually realize and focus on what is right in front of you, you’re re-setting your own clock and rhythm.
In the end, no one can truly know what the real or absolute significance 11:11 may actually hold, and that’s okay. The accompanying video explores the concepts covered above and more in further depth so be sure to check it out and learn something! It’s all very fascinating stuff and the next time you see 11:11 make a wish because it hurt!
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