Dad Tells His Dog He Bought a New Pet From The Pet Store. He Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Fit.

When it comes to cats and dogs, it seems like they either get along great or they can’t stand each other. You never know how they’re really going to act until you socialize and introduce them to other pets. When a cat and dog initially meet the general belief is that the earlier in life they do that, the better they will get along with one another. Sometimes the initial meeting between the pets goes smooth as silk. Other times, the first meeting can go horribly wrong and a close watch and lots of intervention is necessary before the two animals are comfortable enough to be together alone.  Every animal is different and just like their human counterparts, some of them are more solitary and like being alone, while others prefer having company and are more social in nature.

The adorable black and white dog in this clip falls under the latter category, he would absolutely love and adore to have a fellow animal companion by his side. Well, at least that’s how his owner imagines his dog’s thoughts and feelings to be! Although most likely these are this cute pups precious wish to have a new best friend! He especially does not want a snake, hamster, guinea pig, mouse, gerbil, newts or parrots. This pup is very clear he wants a new kitty!

He gave his dog a voice and dubbed in quite an interesting conversation between the two of them. He felt that his dog would be absolutely delighted and ecstatic at the thought of getting a brand new addition to the family and would welcome a little fuzzy kitten to call his sister. An adorable baby tabby cat would perhaps be the perfect addition to their lives, and so maybe it’s time they get one!

The hilarious clip of the energetic and happy looking black and white dog talking excitedly about finally getting a new cat has already captured the hearts of well over 6 million people. It’s easy to see why, the video is just funny and enjoyable to watch! Everything from the conversation to the dog’s actions, words, and movements are quality and spot on. If you’ve ever talked to your pet, or had pretend convos in your head with them, then all of this may look, sound, and seem very familiar to you. Check it out and share the love!

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Husky Tells His Mom He Wants To Take a Bath But She Says No. He Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Tantrum.

Huskies are known around the world as sled dogs. These pups have tons of energy and need an outlet to burn it all off. They are able to withstand extremely cold temperatures due to their thick double coat which keeps them insulated and warm. They are known for their almond shaped stunning pale blue eyes which sometimes come in multiple colors. They are very vocal and tend to howl instead of the usual dog bark we are all accustomed to.  The breed is considered a working dog and they are very loyal companions.  They are consistently in the top 20 most popular dogs in America.

Most dogs hate taking a bath, let alone even getting wet, and will do everything in their power to ultimately avoid anything having to do with bathing. Not Zeus, the Siberian Husky in this short and sweet clip. He’s not like most dogs. He absolutely loves, loves, loves taking baths and when he’s unable to do so, he throws hysterical temper tantrums just like the one seen here.

Zeus had been chilling in the bath tub, hoping and praying for his owner to turn the tap on, when instead she told him to get up and get moving! It was time for his daily walk but he wasn’t having any of that. He whimpers, whines, and moans loudly while splayed out in the bathtub begging his mom to run the water. His tantrum is a bit dramatic and over the top but that’s what makes it so great. The big furry boy practically takes up the whole entire tub, I’ve never seen a dog do anything quite like this!

The fact that Zeus would rather lay in the tub than take a walk is another way in which he’s not like most dogs. Usually when they hear a leash jingle or mention of even just the word walk they go nuts and head straight for the door! It’s all part of the reason why the seven year old dog is known by his nickname “Zeus The Stubborn Husky.” You can find him on Facebook under that name and see what else he’s been up to.

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Every Time The Mailman Delivers The Mail This Angry Cat Throws The Most Hysterical Fit.

Mail carriers are no strangers to having to deal with some wacky and unusual characters while they’re out delivering mail on their routes. Many of them have more than a few tales to tell about all of the wildly colorful animals and people they’ve encountered over the years. When it comes to animals, most of the time it’s aggressive, over-eager dogs that a mailman has to watch out for and be careful around. Lots of postal workers carry dog biscuits with them wherever they go because the tasty treats help them win over antsy pets. Dogs feel less threatened after they’ve been tossed a treat and the biscuits also work to momentarily distract them while a carrier goes about making his deliveries.

As common as it may be for dogs to harass mailmen, for one postal worker the issue he faces daily isn’t an overprotective dog. Instead it’s feline related! The unnamed US Postal employee recorded his daily run-in with one of the cats on his route and shared it online so the world could witness what he has to deal with.

The clip starts off with the mailman parking his truck at the curb. As he heads towards the front door the cat can be seen in the window beside it, ready and waiting for the man to come closer. He remarks aloud “kitty cat ready to do battle” before saying hello to the spotted tabby and then goes to make his mail delivery. As he tries to slip the mail through the slot in the door the cat blocks it aggressively and sends the papers flying! The mailman picks up the mail and tries to deliver it again, and again, and again…every time he tries to push it through the cat is there blocking the slot and firmly rejecting all of his attempts. At one point the man wonders to himself how he’s ever going to deliver it and he even remarks the cat is getting stronger, good luck with that one!

The viral video has racked up over 2.5 million views and illustrates perfectly just how strange and crazy some of the stuff that mailmen have to put up with can get. This cat won’t let anything past the door and is definitely a pain in the mail slot!

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They Told Their Cockatoo He Had To Go The Vet. His Tantrum Is The Best Thing Ever.

Ok, so most animals hate going to the vet, and certainly show signs of fear and upset when they realize where they are.  Some may intuitively sense that the dreaded visit is what’s coming, before they leave the house, but can’t communicate it like this cockatoo. If you have a dog or a cat you have probably noticed they start to act strange right around it’s time to get them in the car to their vet visit. This cockatoo is on a whole different level of not wanting to see the vet!

At first Max, the cockatoo,  seems to be “screaming” in an upsetting way as his owner keeps telling him its time to climb out from under the bench and get in his carrier.  However, not to worry, cockatoos are natural “screamers” when they communicate, according to researchers who study them. Apparently this is pretty normal cockatoo behavior.  I wonder if these same researchers met Max they would say this was totally normal..

Finally, he comes out from his hiding place, and changes his tune, literally.  The pitch of his talking becomes much more intelligible, as he lets his owner know what he thinks of the plans to go to the vet.  His vocal and body language reactions are absolutely hilarious.  He truly seems like a child having a tantrum and isn’t about to give in to the growingly impatient prodding by his owner. This video is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while.  I hope you have as good a laugh as I did!

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Adorable Little Baby Won’t Stop Talking So This Jealous Husky Throws a Hysterical Tantrum To Shut Her Up.

It seems that pet owners everywhere absolutely love chatting with their animal companions, no matter what age they may be! Oftentimes our furry friends also love to talk and sometimes they even respond back or sing along with us to songs. When it comes down to it, just about everyone is guilty of having full-on conversations with their pets at some point in time, you can admit to it! After all, they are a much beloved part of our families and anyways, it just happens!

Which leads us to this adorable video of a baby girl getting along well and interacting with her best dog friend in the world. The camera is trained on the sweet black and white husky named Angel and as you can see and hear, he’s quite a vocal pup. He’s hanging out in the family playroom with his little sister, 10-month old Lexi, who’s singing a song and getting him to sing along with her. Every time Lexi sings what sounds like her “alalalalalalala” verse, Angel responds with his own whimpering, howling, yowling type of melody! The whole scene is beyond cute and if you like healthy fluffy dogs and adorable babies, then you just have to see it for yourself!

While it’s anyone’s guess as to what both of them are truly saying or singing about, the two of them might actually understand each other. An AP-Petside poll conducted in 2008 found that 67% of pet owners claim to understand their animals barks, purrs, meows, and all the other sounds they make. In addition, 62% of those surveyed reported that when they speak to their pets, the animals seem to understand and get the message.

Perhaps babies and other very young children are better attuned to what our pets are saying or trying to relay to us. They haven’t been imprinted upon by the world yet and are communicating in the most basic, natural, and instinctual ways. It’s just a thought.. Either way, Angel and Lexi are the cutest duo I’ve seen in awhile and they clearly enjoy each others company!

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Humans Try To Take Away This Panda’s Ball. Now Watch His Adorable Fit As He Attempts To Keep It.

Out of all the toys that young children and animals have, there is always one that’s their favorite. Usually it’s a soft, plushy stuffed animal like a teddy bear that they end up growing attached to and they take it with them on all their adventures and just about everywhere they go. If it ever gets lost, misplaced, or taken away from them, it can be a very distressing experience.

For one adorable baby panda named Xiao Liwu, his favorite toy happens to be a small green ball. As you can see in this clip of him, he absolutely loves rolling around and holding onto his ball and won’t let anyone take it away from him, not even his caretakers! He gnaws at it gently and hugs it tightly against his little chest, making it plain to see that the ball brings him comfort. He’s looks like the sweetest baby bear and it brings back childhood memories watching him play with his toys.

Xiao Liwu lives at the San Diego Zoo and has called it home ever since he was born there in 2002. These days he is a full grown Giant Panda bear but when this video was recorded he was just a few months old. He represents and is part of the continued growth and existence of a healthy Panda population.

These days Giant Panda’s are under threat and they’re now classified as an endangered species. Part of why they’re so vulnerable is that their range is small. They only live in a couple of mountain ranges in Central China and those areas are being developed more frequently with farmers and other industries clearing the land and forest. While no one knows exactly how many of them are still living in the wild, estimates place the number anywhere between 1,500 and 3,000.

In recent years, thanks to conservation efforts and diplomacy, China has been sending Pandas to different countries as part of an exchange program. Whenever a Panda is brought to a new zoo in a country they’re met with lots of excitement, celebration, and fanfare. Special habitats are constructed and a highly skilled team of handlers, zookeepers, and veterinarians are assembled. The conservation efforts of zoos are becoming vitally important for the survival of Pandas and Xiao Liwu is proof of how these programs are working.

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