This Beautiful Color Test Can Determine Your Dominant Gender
Colors can reveal a lot about many of the things in our lives. Take for example a banana. A green one tells us it’s not yet ripe, while yellow signals that it’s ready to eat, and a brown or black colored banana means that it’s likely spoiled. This is a very basic illustration of how colors bring out or show us information that we may not otherwise have any other easy way of discovering.
There has been a number of studies, polls, and research done that all center around people’s perceptions of colors and their associated meanings. As it turns out, gender plays a large role in terms of the colors that we are drawn and attracted to. Overall men prefer shades of green, gray, and orange whereas women like purples, reds, pinks and yellows. Both genders absolutely love blue, it is by far the universal favorite color, while men like darker, smoky, bolder hues and women prefer softer, muted tones.
If all of this sounds very familiar, it’s because we are so used to these distinctions and exposed to them everywhere we turn. Businesses market their products to us based on many of the color preferences above. That’s why men’s brand packaging is often black, navy blue, or gray compared to clean crisp whites and warm, feminine colors for women.
The link between color and gender is quite strong indeed as the research and many studies on it over the years has shown. Through it all experts have agreed on the general conclusion that men and women are simply drawn to different color variations. With that in mind, this beautiful color-based test will tell you what percentage male and female you are, and in doing so also determine your dominant gender. Will it turn out to be male, female, or unisex? There’s only one way to know for sure so try out this fun quiz and get your results!
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Rare Super Moon In Virgo: Prepare For a Huge Energy Shift On February 19 2019
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This month a rare Super Full Snow Moon in Virgo will rise in the sky on the evening of Tuesday February 19th, ushering in a cosmic shift in energy which will end up affecting everyone on the planet. This super moon will be the biggest and brightest full moon of the year! It will be the largest because the moon’s orbit will bring it closest to the earth. As the full moon makes it approach to earth you can use this change in vibration to your advantage and bring about some positive change to your life. But first, here’s what a super moon means in terms of science.
A super moon is when the moon’s orbit brings it to the one point that is closest to Earth and this also coincides with either a new or full moon. Because this February super moon happens to be a full one that is occurring when it reaches its closest approach to Earth all month and year, it will appear super-sized and much larger than its usual size. According to NASA, when the moon is so close to us “Its looming proximity makes the moon appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter in the sky than an apogee full moon.” (the term apogee is when the moon is furthest from Earth in its orbit)
Astrologically speaking, the February Super Moon will occur when the moon is in the first degree of Virgo. This brings about a very active, free, enthusiastic, and selfless type of energy. As such, all of the selfless and adventurous vibrations associated with Virgo will be brought to the forefront and this creates a lively burst of energy. If you harness the super moon shift and embrace it in a positive light, then good changes will come your way!
Virgo is known for a number of strong qualities and characteristics, by tapping into them and harnessing their power, you can get the most of out of the super moon shift! Below is an overview of all the basic and best things this full moon in Virgo has to offer:
It’s a time to heal – Whether your wounds are physical, mental, conscious, or unconscious, now is the time to focus on healing them. When you concentrate and do everything in your power to get better and stronger, you can free yourself from all the pain and suffering that’s draining you.
It’s an opportunity to move onward and up in our lives. Many of us will come across exciting new opportunities which weren’t even possible, let alone available to us, before the shift. If there’s anything that’s still out of whack, fix it asap so you can continue moving forward with nothing holding you back.
It’s the perfect time to act. With the moon being in Virgo, the sign’s physical and nurturing traits will be highly valuable for getting things done. Need to get moving on a project or finish something that you’ve been putting off or procrastinated over for seemingly ever? Get moving and get it done, you’ll have the energy and drive to do it all now!
Break free of toxic people in your life. The relationships that are hurting you or holding you back need to be re-assessed. If you find that someone is not worth the time, effort, and stress, cut the cord and distance yourself from them. Stop letting people walk all over you and instead of following bad examples, be a leader and set good ones!
Be conscious and aware of your ego. Don’t let your own sense of self-importance or entitlement get the best of you. With the moon being in Virgo it is crucial that you don’t get caught up in your ego. Instead, stay grounded and everything will go smoothly.
Overall, the shift in energy accompanying the February Super Moon will be Overwhelmingly Positive. If you relax and go with the flow you can better connect with this energy and it will lead to great things happening in your life, so get ready to welcome it!
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Mama Confronts Her Guilty Dog About The Missing Tater Tots. Now Watch How He Reveals The Evidence.
A good tasty snack, or really any type of food in general, seems to always be on a dogs mind! Our loyal companions can’t seem to get enough when it comes to eating and they’re always looking for their next treat. Anyone who shares their home with a dog knows to keep food secured and away from their pets because once they get a delicious smelling whiff of something they’ll go to great lengths to get at it! The pup featured in the video below takes this to a whole new level.
Out of all the yummy snacks in the world, it’s tater tots that this dog finds to be absolutely irresistible! The crispy toasted potato rounds proved too much for him to ignore and his overwhelming desire to snag a few of them is what led to him getting busted by his owner. The adorable dog is named Chase and as soon as his owner let her guard down and her tater tots unattended, he made his move. While he meant to take just a couple, like one or two, the deliciousness simply overwhelmed him and he ended up stuffing as many as he could into his mouth! However, before he could chew them all up and swallow it down, his mom came into the room.
He couldn’t really do much at this point with the tater tots crammed in his mouth, so Chase simply turned away from her to avoid any uncomfortable eye contact. Avoiding her gaze proved to be his downfall because she could see a very suspicious looking lump in his mouth and noticed the bulge right away. He looked more like a big goofy chipmunk than an innocent dog!
Naturally she asked him what he had in his mouth and after getting no response she tried a different approach, kindness, and told him how much of a good boy he was. That was enough to make Chase feel guilty about what he’d done and so he decided to fess up and return the tater tots to their rightful owner. Plus, he realized he’d been caught red handed and really had no choice at this point other than to spit out the food.
Much to the surprise of his mother, when he opened his mouth a whole bunch of the yummy potato bites spilled out onto the floor in front of him! She counted a total of nine tater tots and all of them were still in tact, they had not even been chewed. Poor Chase, he took way too many and all those potatoes must have been drying out his mouth, making it nearly impossible for him to eat and swallow them down in time!
Thankfully for Chase, his mom found it amusing and had a great sense of humor towards the whole situation. In the end, this is definitely a case of biting off more than one can chew! If you are having a bad day this video is sure to brighten it up!
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Daddy Finally Captures His Baby and Cat’s Funny Morning Ritual
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Babies love to babble. The random streams of adorable noises that they make are them practicing how to make different sounds. To adults, it all sounds like unintelligible gibberish and whatever a child may be trying to say is anyone’s guess. The same goes for our pets, especially cats and all the meows, purrs, growls, and other cute noises they make!
Even though grown ups are all but in the dark when it comes to understanding what their infant kids and pets are trying to say, perhaps fur babies and human babies can communicate on some other level. The idea may be a little strange, but when you see this video it will make a lot more sense.
In the clip a baby girl and the family cat are having a little chit chat. According to the girl’s father, a YouTube user named Lenny, the pair are always holding their own weird little types of full length conversations. Every morning the two babble happily back and forth with one another, just like how you can see and hear in the video!
Lenny’s daughter and the tabby cat are so into their adorable conversation as they go back and forth that it’s like they’re in their own world. The most surprising thing about it all is that the kitty appears to truly understand what the little girl is saying and vice versa. It’s as if the cat is talking back to her and responding in kind with meow meows.
Maybe they really are engaged in an intelligent conversation. Plus, the cat doesn’t try to stop or put an end to the chat after a couple of seconds. Rather than walk off, the tabby sticks around and stays close by the little girls side. It even follows her around and continues talking with her.
Check out the happy pair to see just how well they communicate with each other. Their adorable conversation is the cutest thing that any parent could hope to see in the morning. If you love cats, babies, and all the joyful chirps and noisy gibberish that comes out of their mouths, then this clip is for you!
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10 Gardening Life Hacks Everyone Should Know.
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This time of year is when everything starts to come alive again. The trees are beginning to bud, plants are starting to poke through the dirt, flowers are blooming, and the songbirds are out in full force. If you’re a gardener, that means it’s time to start digging in the dirt! Even if you aren’t a seasoned gardener, it’s not too late to get started. Who knows, once you try it, you may just end up falling in love with it!
Gardening is a good for your health, your wallet, and the Earth. Many people find that it’s a very relaxing and rewarding way to spend some quality time outdoors and it helps to improve their mood and life. Not only that, fresh healthy foods like fruits and vegetables can be grown to your tastes and cost much less than the grocery store variety. Plus, foods that you have taken the time to grow yourself always taste a lot better!
Beautiful, colorful flowers, green shrubbery, and ornamental plants can all help to liven up any yard and make it appear brand new. The possibilities for gardens are endless with thousands of varieties and combinations of seeds readily available. If you’re interested in learning more about gardening or making your green thumb greener, look no further. This video and what follows below are some super clever ways to help ease your garden along. They all use everyday items and objects that you probably already have on hand or can pick up at the store for cheap, so check them out. This year garden smarter, not harder!
1. For plants that are sensitive to root disruption, such as beans and peas, use leftover cardboard tubes from paper towel and toilette paper rolls as planters. The tubes make transplanting much less stressful and ensures roots stay separate and untangled from one another.
2. If you don’t have a lot of space to work with try making a vertical garden on a wall, fence, or other space. The video shows how to use gutters to create a wall garden by drilling holes in the bottom of them for drainage. Measure and cut them to size and then hang on wall brackets.
3. To help seeds germinate and sprout earlier soak them overnight in lukewarm water before planting. 4. For a technological and creative approach to gardening check out the available software and apps out there for planning and plotting out gardens. They’re really useful for both new and seasoned gardeners and have even been shown to reduce the chances of ending up with failed crops.
5. For neat rows of evenly spaced plants use a measuring stick. To always have one handy nearby make one out of a long wooden handled gardening tool marking off intervals on it.
6. Keep track of plants by labeling what and where they are located. You can recycle last years labels by scraping off any old marker with sandpaper or use cheap Popsicle sticks, flat stones, or tiles as markers.
7. On cold nights where frost could be an issue you always need to protect sensitive seedlings. Cover them with a terracotta pot at night and simply uncover it the following morning.
8. A very common pest that plants often get is aphids, which are also known by their nastier sounding name, ‘plant lice.’ To get rid of the tiny bugs wrap sticky tape around your hand and brush them off your plants. This will help pick the aphids off while keeping them off your hands as well.
9. Make a super easy irrigation system by recycling old plastic water bottles. Punch a couple holes in the cap, cut the bottom off, insert it in the ground near the plant, and fill with water. This design allows water to slowly be released into the ground so it lasts longer, which is especially important and necessary if you are growing plants in hot, dry, arid conditions.
10. Recycle and reuse leftover water from cooking, like water used to boil veggies, and collect rainwater from your roof/eaves to help water your garden and decrease overall consumption. Every bit helps!
Please check out the video for more information and to get a better visual understanding of all the pointers covered here. Remember, don’t garden harder, garden smarter!
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No One Believed Her When She Described Her Guinea Pigs Morning Ritual. So She Caught This Video.
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Many people get their kids guinea pigs because they make wonderful pets, if handled with care that promotes bonding.  These furry little critters can be afraid of humans initially, until they learn to trust that they are safe. Once this trust is established they respond well, and can teach children how to care for animals in a wonderful way.
It has been noted that they are capable of responding to certain prompts, which can be a lot of fun in the bonding process. Also of note, is that guinea pigs are social animals who will be most happy if they are raised with, at the very least, one other guinea pig.
It is probably a good idea to watch two of them interact before bringing them home, to be certain that they get along. Â In the video below, which you are about to watch, you will watch two guinea pigs who have clearly got their communication going on. Â Hold onto your seat and get ready to watch their hilarious conversation!
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