Simple Life Hacks To Relieve Sciatica and Lower Back Pain Quickly

Sciatica is a painful and debilitating condition to have to suffer through. If you’ve ever experienced it then you know how miserable the severe nerve pain makes you feel, it’s both mentally and physically exhausting! Simple everyday activities, such as sitting down or standing up and walking across the room, suddenly become hard to do and it can really affect life and spirit. There are several causes and variations of sciatica but the medical condition is most generally characterized as back pain originating in the buttocks or lower spine area, which goes down the leg(s) and radiates through the lower body area.

The reason why sciatica is referred to as sciatic nerve pain is because it stems from the irritation, pressure, and/or pinching of several nerves which run from the spinal cord to the sciatic nerves. When the area surrounding the nerves in the lower back and spine becomes severely inflamed it causes an intense, radiating type of pain to shoot out along those affected sciatic nerves.

The pain tends to range from moderate and manageable to severe and intolerable, but it can get a lot worse. People report that sneezing, coughing, getting up or sitting down too quickly, sudden movements, and things that put strain and pressure on the area can cause the pain to suddenly flare up.

A combination of lifestyle changes and medicine is how sciatica is treated. To help manage discomfort and pain medications may be prescribed and doctors recommend that patients take NSAIDs, like Aleve, to help reduce swelling and inflammation in the lower back. You should also try to stay active and strengthen your core to prevent future flare ups. Yoga is one of the best ways to condition your body and get into shape and it’s highly recommended that you start stretching.

Activities that place a lot of stress on the lower back should also be limited. In particular, bending or folding forward should be avoided like the plague! In the accompanying video on sciatic nerve pain you will learn some great tips to relieve pain quickly. There are some great tips on how to work yoga and gentle stretches into your recovery approach and going forward from there. You’ll likely learn something new so check the video out, it’s short and straight to the point.

Hopefully the tips can help you find relief if you suffer from sciatic nerve pain and it turns out to be beneficial to both your health and overall well-being.

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Father and Son Are Driving In The Car When The Sinatra Music Drops.

Family is the most important thing in life to many people.  Now that it’s January and Christmas and the holidays are over we tend to forget this and get back into our normal daily grind.  It’s so important though to always cherish your loved ones all year and not just during the holiday season.  In the end it is family and friends and the love we share together. One very special bond is between a parent and their children. In the case of the video below it’s is between a dad and his little boy. The father-son relationship is so unique, and has a huge influence in how little boys feel about themselves, and the kind of men they grow up to be.

Sure, we’ve all seen lots of cute videos of dads with their sons, but without exaggeration the one you are about to watch below is like no other!  If you’ve had a good day, watching this will make it even better; if your day hasn’t been so hot this is sure to put a smile on your face and in your heart!

I know I wasn’t feeling so great today as January is dragging on and we are sitting here on another Monday! As soon as this video came up and I turned up the volume, my frown was completely flipped upside down. The love between this adorable father and son is undeniable and quite entertaining. If you haven’t sang a duet with your child yet I highly recommend you try it out. Even if you can’t sing on key it is always a great way to spend time with your little one.

This duet is taking a drive together when the music starts… it’s Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr.’s recording of “Me and My Shadow”.  The symbolism of the lyrics for the incredible bond between these buddies is apparent.  But the two of them singing along to the tune in perfect harmony…I never!  The most amazing thing is this little guy is singing the harmony to his dad’s beautiful voice carrying the melody.  This is 3 minutes of pure enjoyment that is just incredible… Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Please Share this video with your family and friends who need a smile today 🙂

This Puppy Can’t Figure Out Where His Hiccups Are Coming From. His Reaction Is PRICELESS!

Nobody likes hiccups.  We have all been told to hold our breath and count to 20 to stop them.  Another less pleasant remedy is to have someone scare us.  So what’s a cute little puppy to do the first time he gets those annoying hiccups?  You don’t want to scare your pup and can’t exactly instruct him to hold his breath.

This sweet little guy was caught on video experiencing hiccups for the first time.  He didn’t like it at all, and adorably kept looking around to see where they were coming from.  He then decides the best defense is a good offense. He decides to attack the hiccups in the most adorable way possible!

We might all take a lesson from this pup.  He discovered that barking and growling might be just the thing to get rid of those pesky hiccups!  If you are someone you know is having a rough day pass this on to them to turn that frown upside down! Watch this clip and admire the ingenuity of this pup!

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If You Were Told Not To Crack Your Knuckles Get Prepared For Some Satisfying News

Are you one of those people that loves cracking their knuckles?  If you are, you have probably heard over and over again that you shouldn’t because it is bad for you and will lead to arthritis or non functional hands.  This idea that cracking your knuckles is bad for you actually may not be true at all!

The people over at Vox have created this informative video which may give you a little more insight into what you once thought was a guilty pleasure.  This video seeks to educate you on what is really going on when you crack your knuckles.

Inside each of your knuckles is a liquid called synovial fluid.  This liquid lubricates your joints and keeps them working properly.  When you crack your knuckles, that popping sound is gas bubbles inside the synovial fluid collapsing.  This is different then the popping sound you hear in your knees if you get up too fast, which is your tendons rubbing over your bones and muscle.

One man decided that he would test the theory, that cracking your knuckles causes arthritis.  For sixty years he cracked his knuckles in one hand and not in the other.  The good news for us knuckle crackers is that neither hand showed more arthritis than the other.   This finding is great news for those of us who are addicted to that pleasurable pop. Do you crack your knuckles?

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He Starts Having Trouble Reeling In His Line Soon Finds Out It’s Record Breaking Monster Catch

Dino Ferrari certainly will never forget this day . On that fateful winter day the Italian man was fishing in the Po River delta, a muddy stretch of the country’s longest river. He was sitting in a boat using a fishing rod and dangling a line in the water when suddenly he felt a strong tug. Something had taken the bait and as he struggled to quickly reel the line in on the severely bent rod, he knew he had hooked a beast.

By the end of it all, Mr. Ferraro had caught an enormous 280 pound catfish that was longer than a man is tall and measured an amazing 8 feet, 9 inches long. Being an avid sport fisherman, he was sponsored by Sportex Italia, a maker of premium fishing rods. They were on hand to document, measure, and verify his catch and provided the unbelievable picture of Dino posing with the fish that you see in the video. While this particular catch may very well be a world record for a catfish caught using just a rod and reel, bigger catfish have been caught in that same river and around the world.

The American catfish record belongs to Tim Pruitt who back in 2005 caught a 124 pound fish in the Mississippi River. That’s nothing compared to the world record holder that fishermen in Thailand caught. According to an online National Geographic article, a group of Thai fishermen netted a Mekong Giant Catfish, named after the Mekong River in which they were fishing. The super-size fish weighed in at 646 pounds and measured almost 9 feet long, making it possibly the world’s largest freshwater fish caught since records have been kept as well!

While legends abound about record breaking catches and enormous catfish lurking in secret spots around the world, Mr. Ferrari’s tale is the reel deal. He caught the fish that most people can only dream of bagging and has the evidence to prove it so check it out! After pictures and video were taken, it was weighed, measured, and released.

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Small Puppy Is Fast Asleep When He Rips a Giant Fart. He Proceeds To Have The Funniest Freak Out.

Dogs are full of funny surprises and it’s often the simple, little things they do that makes us love them all the more. This sentiment seems to be especially true when the dog in question is a young, chubby, adorable puppy! The white and black spotted little guy with the tiny white paws kicking restlessly around in the accompanying video is proof of this, but he’s also full of something else (maybe*- see below)!

The angelic looking dog was taking a nice relaxing nap on the carpet one day and by the looks of it he was well and truly passed out. His legs were moving and his body was twitching randomly, which is a tell-tale sign that he was in the REM stage of sleep, which is where we experience heightened mental activity and dreams occur. I’m no expert, but it’s safe to assume that he was dreaming about chasing a ball or a cat or doing something of the sort that puppy’s love!

Anyways, in the middle of his siesta time someone decided to let one rip and out came a loud, disgusting sound that could only be interpreted as a fart! The sudden, unexpected noise jarred the poor puppy awake and scared the heck out of him. He looks bewildered as he glances around the room while a man, possibly his owner, can be heard laughing in the background. The dog’s reaction is spot on and exactly how I would have reacted if I were in his position, I’d be like what the…!?!

* While the story should end here, it doesn’t. Apparently many of the commentators on YouTube have been debating the source of the fart in the clip. One side claims the dog is the one who passed the gas, while those on the other side are positive that it was the man. In true YouTube fashion, everyone has to weigh in with their own opinion on the matter and some included a few strange facts(?) to back them which are really just gems. You be the judge!

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