Adorable Baby Poops Her Pants. Now Watch The Dog’s Face When He Realizes.

Nothing is sweeter than the sight of a newborn baby cuddling up to their best animal friend in the world. It shows that the two get along well and are comfortable in each others company, which is important if they’re going to be living together for the rest of their lives.

Judging by the pair in this video, they are more than accustomed to one another. The black and white dog named Max was napping peacefully on a chair next to his sister, baby Hollis, when their mother decided to record the adorable moment. The opportunity to capture her fur baby and her newborn baby together was picture perfect, at least for a couple of seconds!

Just as she starts recording, mom notices that baby Hollis appears to have to go poo-poo. You can hear her in the background urging the youngster on as she reaches over and pets Max. Suddenly, the baby manages to get it all out and the fart she rips along with it startles sleepy Max. He wakes up, looks over at his baby sister, takes one whiff and then immediately leaps off the chair and runs away!

Poor Max! He definitely didn’t want to stick around the stinky smell and needed some fresh air right away. His reaction is priceless, it’ll make you smile, so check out the video and if you wish to brighten someone’s day just share this adorable clip with them!

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