5 Signs Your Spirit Guide Is Trying To Make Contact With You From The Afterlife.

It often seems that we are ultimately on our own in the world, yet every person alive has their own spirit guide watching over them. Our spirit guides help us navigate the paths we choose in life, they protect and keep us safe when times get tough or tragedies happen.  Regardless of whether or not you believe in spirit guides, there are many other similar types of animals, spirits, and people who we consider to be healers and protectors of humanity.

They communicate with us indirectly and send us all many different signs and signals. If you are familiar with what to look for, and are open to the whole idea of spiritual connectivity, then you can pick up on these signs and know what each one means. Below are four of the most common signals your spirit guide uses when trying to contact you:

1) Loose Change:
Pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and other loose change that you find in random spots may not be so random after all. Our spirit guides will often stick coins is the most unusual places knowing that we will stumble across them. They do this when we are feeling sad and blue as a way to help boost our mood and make us feel happier. The next time you find a penny or a dime somewhere strange, like in your medicine cabinet, thank your spirit guide for the thoughtful gift!

2) Dreams:
Have you ever had a dream that really affected you and the vividness of it all stuck with you long after you woke up? Maybe your dream even came true. This type of déjà vu or memorable dream experience is likely to contain a message or answer to something that you have been searching for. Don’t ignore or write it off as just another dream, it’s guidance and advice from your spirit guide.

3) Feathers:
If and when you come across a white feather, don’t ignore it. The simple, natural beauty of white feathers symbolize that your spirit guide is close by keeping watch over you. They will often appear in random, seemingly obscure places, so they’ll stand out. Keep your eyes open for them!

4) Familiar Scents:
When you suddenly smell a pleasant, flowery, and somehow familiar scent, it’s a sign that your spirit guide is trying to tell you something. They use smells that are special to us because we tend to immediately notice them and pay attention to it. When this occurs our guide is signaling that we need to decide on an important matter in our life. Whatever you choose to do, trust that they will have your back and will be there to guide you through it all.

5) Seeing The Same Numbers Over and Over:
Many People have reported seeing the same number or number patterns over and over again. A good example of this is the 11:11 phenomenon that many people tend to always look up and see this time randomly day after day. Other reported numbers people tend to see over and over is the number 23 and the number 47. When our numbers pop up pay attention because there is a good chance your spirit guide could be attempting to send you a message near or around the moment you notice it.

Watch The Video Below For More Information and Signs Your Spirit Guide Is Attempting To Contact You. How Many Signs Have You Had? Let Us Know In The Comments!

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