At First I Laughed When She Put Orange Peels In The Fridge But When She’s Done YUM!

The world is full of fast food options and temptingly convenient prepackaged snacks which make it difficult to find and choose healthy foods. It is even harder when you need to come up with a tasty snack that will please a whole classroom full of youngsters. On top of that, many schools now strictly enforce no-nut and no-candy or junk food policies that aim to keep kids healthy and safe from potential allergic reactions. When one woman was asked to bring in a homemade snack for her daughter’s class that fit within the guidelines she came up with the perfect recipe. It is simple, easy to make, delicious, and above all healthy.

All you need for ingredients are six oranges and one packet of unflavored gelatin. In the video the chef, Meg, uses valencia and navel oranges for juice and then the navel orange peels she saves for a later step. Start by slicing the oranges in half crosswise and then juice them until you have one and three quarters cups of juice. Next, pour the juice through a fine mesh strainer to remove the pulp.

Place the gelatin in a saucepan and pour about one quarter cup of juice over it, let this stand and dissolve, before placing the saucepan over medium heat for approximately 5 minutes or until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Mix in the remaining juice and set aside. Take the orange halves and remove the remaining inside flesh with a spoon. Place them in a muffin tin so that they stand up and fill them halfway with juice, place the tray in the refrigerator, before finally filling them up. It is best to refrigerate them overnight or at least four hours before slicing them into wedges and serving.

Kids and adults will love this snack and many children who don’t even like fruit will be tricked into eating it because its presented to them as a treat. There are no added sugars and its even fun to make. Get the kids involved by having them help you juice the oranges and strain out the pulp. If you ever need to bring an item to a potluck, picnic, baby or wedding shower, or really any type of party, they magically fit the bill for all occasions!! Even if you have no where to go make them for yourself as a guilt-free treat. Plus, eating them will make it feel like summer has finally arrived.

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