If You Ever Notice Your Kids Sitting Like THIS Stop Them Immediately! The Reason Is Scary!

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It is really common to see children sitting in the “W” position, and I have to admit that I always thought that indicated good flexibility.  However, this position can lead to some really serious orthopedic conditions, as it prevents kids from being able to shift their weight and achieve what is called “trunk rotation”.

Not only will this inability to rotate prevent a child from stretching to grasp things out of their immediate reach, but it will have long-term serious consequences.  In order to develop adequate balance reactions, such as the ability to catch a fall, a child needs to have developed this weight-shifting and rotating ability.

These abilities are also integral to crossing the midline, which is necessary for writing. As children develop, each motor skill that gets mastered is necessary to go on to the next one. If bilateral coordination is interrupted because of constant sitting in this “W” position, this can very well lead to significant delays in achieving other skills, such as: developing hand dominance, skipping, throwing, kicking etc.

Additionally, W-sitting causes actual shortening and tightening of the hip and leg muscles, causing the child to be “pigeon-toed” when he walks.  This will eventually lead to complications of back and pelvic pain as they grow.  The video you are about to watch below will help to explain both the physiological dangers of allowing your child to sit in the “W” position, as well as the impairment to properly developing  motor skills.

I for one never knew this and I wish somebody told me about this earlier! Watch the video below to learn more..

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